Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Observations on a Neo-Post-Modern World

When you offer to drive a woman to the hospital and you're not willing to carry her handbag out of there then you're probl'ly the wrong man for the job, Cowboy Bob.

If you fail to do a Monty Python handbag walk then you're a sissyboy.

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok ...

(Ed:  do we get to see the Monty Python handbag walk?)

Maybe.  Usually I only do it on Friday nights when I go downtown so I'm already over my quota.

Things go two ways here at the Rockhouse and I'm not the only one on an expired maintenance contract.

The real bitch was when they got pissed because I didn't pay my emergency room bills and they said they were going to repossess my liver.  I responded vehemently, "You did not even touch my liver!"

They only replied, sardonically, "Not yet we didn't.  If you wake up in a bathtub full of crushed ice, you will know what happened."

Aaaiiiyyyyeeeee ... they're going to repo my liver!

It's a hard crowd, man, such a hard crowd.

The content between the lines tells the story as well as it needs to be told.

There was no deliberate plan to beat anyone out of paying a bill as I wouldn't have been able to pay it no matter what it was.  Well, maybe it would be possible if a hospital visit comes down to the the price of sack of reefer then maybe we could do business.  Otherwise, the chance of me being able to pony up five or ten thousand dollars has the same chance of a face lift for me so I will look like Horatio Hornblower.

(Ed:  what did he look like?)

No idea.  He was a swashbuckling sea captain in a series of books.  That had to look cool, right?

Since we have hit an Existential Bubble of Mindfuck in the Continuum, there's only one answer:  watch "Rambo" because it is the bar none most meaningless pastime in which we could engage.  When in doubt, watch Sly Stone blowing shit up.

Sly Stone never got any closer to the military than John Wayne, it was all camera work ... plus a shitload of steroids.

The actual way it will go is the hospital sends the bill to a collection agency.  At that time they have already written it off and that means you, the taxpayer, pay the freight for any costs associated with my hospital visit.  Meanwhile, the collection agency tries to collect for a while and then they write it off so there's another bill which winds up in your laps.  This is precisely the sort of thing Bernie Sanders can and will fix with one-payer insurance.

Note:  that kind of bill problem should not happen now that Veterans Administration is properly wired.


Anonymous said...

The taxpayer doesnt pay that as most hospitals and Drs are not publicly funded. It is just rolled up in increased costs of those who do pay.
Just as loan companies right off deadbeat loans, but keep loan interest rate higher to cover the losses.
And the assumption that he can fix all that is a giant reach. As he has no plan other than to move it to one payer not a plan to fix the system.
Just as he has no plan to break up the big banks and doesnt even know who has the authority to do that.

Unknown said...

Sure they will as that write-off is from the organization's taxes and that lands directly in your lap.

Flogging the break-up-the-banks plan doesn't go anywhere as I'm hearing two general protests to Sanders: he's crazy or maybe he's not but he can't possibly pay for his plans. So far I'm seeing more determination not to change anything than I've been seeing the point / counterpoint which is needed to bring any matter to a reasoned conclusion.

It may well be that Sanders gets elected but can't accomplish one damn thing because of the endless rows of cabbages in Congress who have been deliberately planted because they're easy to control (e.g. Debbie Riddle, the no breast-feeding if you need a "C" cup lunatic).

Anonymous said...

He has no plan. He just talks about it. Just as he has no plan for healtcare other than it doesnt work. His tax plan doesnt work as long as it is cheaper to pay tax on corporate taxes on profits in almost every other country om the world. They will not bring those profits here.(US marginal corporate tax rate is 3rd highest) Corporate tax system hasnt changed in 30 years.

Not changing is not the problem not having a realistic plan is.
He doesnt even understand Dodd Frank. If he did he would understand that the process to break up companies listed as too big to fail is in place
He lists GE as what is wrong with America as they pay no taxes. Incorrect He is stumbling.
He may be honest but he needs to be correct alson

Unknown said...

Taxing profits made in other nations is an unresolved problem right now. Sanders hardly invented that.

That no specific mechanism to break up the banks isn't a surprise either as Reagan didn't have one for making them this way either except the idea, gee, sure would be nice if we deregulated S&Ls and banks. Thirty or so years later we see the result and there's no magic wand solution for it.

Corporate tax is just one more example of poor tax code. Presumably any tax on a corporation just winds up on the consumer so it's not clear what purpose that kind of taxation is supposed to serve. It's a bit dramatic to say that problem is what's wrong with America but it's definitely one of them.

Besides, he's being held to a standard others aren't expected to meet, largely because none of them have announced any intention to do much of anything. Oh, I'll tear down Obamacare. Well, will you now. Pfft.

Anonymous said...

He uses taxes on overseas profits to fund his spending plan.
Dodd Frank lists process to break up too big to fail.
If the coporate tax is just passed on, why are Dems so against changing corporate tax rates.
I am holding all thr candidates to the same standard. Don't just spout hyperbole. List concrete plans with real processes to achieve them.
Trumps impossible line he will eliminate debt in his administration. Possible to eliminate the deficit in his term impossible to eliminate the debt in that timeframe
Clinton gives nothing but the same tax and spend policies of Obama
Cruz will spend us further in to debt through military spending

Unknown said...

Making things more clear is his task as a candidate. The situation as it stands, with or without a specific stairway to Heaven, is impressive given it was regarded as a pipe dream six months ago. You know perfectly well he won't walk into the White House with a pocketful of legislation to send the Congress and it works the other way around. He needs to specify clearly what he wants and let the fireworks begin.

If Congress gets stuffed with another pack of hush puppies, the fireworks will fizzle out quickly, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

He needs specific plans to be allowed into the White House.
Pretty tired of Read my Lips
just trust me I will tell you how later