Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bernie Sanders and the Battle for New York

Last night Hillary Clinton hosted an outdoor fundraiser in Colorado (a state that already caucused) where "Event Chairs" could bundle $27,000 and "Champions" contributed $2,700.

But a crazy thing happened when she got ready to speak. Her campaign actually "turned on a static noise machine" pointed at the press so they couldn’t hear what she was saying to the financial elite in attendance.

Look, this campaign is funded by emails like this one. So this is technically a Bernie Sanders fundraiser. No noise machine here – we’ll say it directly to you and any members of the press who are on this email list: If Bernie Sanders is elected, he is going to take on a rigged economy held in place by a corrupt campaign finance system. He’s going to fight for universal health care, keep fossil fuels in the ground, ensure no bank is too big to fail and no banker too powerful to jail.

But this is the most important three weeks of the campaign – there are a lot of big primaries right around the corner. And Bernie will only get that chance if we all stand together.

What we are proving on this campaign is that you can get elected without hustling millionaires and billionaires for money. This campaign is funded by individual contributions coming in response to emails like this one. There are no oligarchs waiting in the wings. As you go, we go. That’s why your contribution is so important.

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