Sunday, September 4, 2016

When Bozo the Clown Swapped with the Audience

At one time people went somewhere to watch Bozo the Clown but now it's the other way around and millions of Bozos as all manners of clowns are the audience.

The clowns come in all political persuasions except some are more interesting than others.  The Republican clowns just act sullen and keep muttering about being right.  No-one pays any attention because they never change anyway.

The other clowns have been getting quite sullen as well and they are changing much less now.  An audience of clowns is not at all as much fun as we might have hoped.  The best clowns of Europe are imaginative, sensitive, insightful, or all of things we never see in these clowns.

The clowns here can't stand being advised of alternatives to wearing huge yellow shoes everywhere and they judge anyone as damaged or crazy should such people be so unwise as to try.

To this we responded, "Cram it, clown," and flipped them the finger.

They did not respond well.

Note:  that's a story attributed to a live broadcast of an early TV show featuring Bozo the Clown.  The tale has been variously validated as Gospel and also as utter rubbish.  We prefer the Gospel version in which a five-year-old girl flipped off Bozo and said on live network TV, "Cram it, clown."

Today's nightmare vision is that little girl must be about seventy by now so it's possible but improbable that little girl has avoided becoming one of the Clowns for Clinton.  Of course there are Clowns for Trump as well but they only wrap themselves in Confederate flags and wave their tiny penises at people.  So far that has not proven to be a boffo show business success.  It's been more effective to say mostly the same things as Trump but wrap yourself in an American flag and proclaim, "I don't even have a damn penis."

For some reason that impresses people ... or at least it impresses clowns.

Our response is still 'cram it' and we don't care if it's with a penis.  Use the best available instrument if a penis not available.  Anything from Ace Hardware is probably not a good choice.  That's what wrecked Laura Bush and prevented more than two children.

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