Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Stop Or We Kill the Groundhog

We never really know what the Bundy Bunch will do next but we do know it will be stupid.  It started with the Bundy patriarch, Cliven "Bubba" Bundy, and now is carried forward by Ammon "Death to Groundhogs" Bundy.

Now these Bundy Bunch geniuses have taken over the bird sanctuary in Oregon and we're so seriously hoping they get eaten by grizzly bears because we are so fucking tired of the country being directed by morons ... and extremely selfish ones at that.

At the root of their so-called protest is an attempt to extort the Federal government to turn over Federal land to the states so they can sell it, exploit it, or do whatever they want with it.

Now they're saying Teddy Roosevelt was a Satanist because of his efforts toward conservation of land and the National Park Service.

(Ed:  did they really say that?)

Not yet but their capacity for saying stupid and evil things seems unlimited.

We had enough of this last year when Kim Davis, everyone's favorite talking cellulite, tried to blackmail everyone else into accepting her views of gay marriage.  The matter seems simple enough: if you don't like gay marriage then don't marry a gay person but that logical leap was way too much for Davis.

The situation is so sorry Davis even had multiple Presidential candidates kowtowing to her and that was one of the most nauseating examples of political pandering we have ever seen.  The candidates who did it don't show the balls of ground squirrels.

There are screams of 'Obama is acting like a dictator' in his use of an Executive Order but this comes from people who never attended a school in which it's necessary to wear shoes.  They have no awareness of the fact if Obama is a dictator for issuing an Executive Order then so is every other President for the last century.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt is commonly-regarded as the best President of the 20th Century and he issued hundreds of Executive Orders.

It pisses me off to have some pedantic nitwit lecturing me about America, the Constitution, and other aspects of the country's history ... when they show no apparent knowledge of anything substantive about the country they say they love so much.

What frosts my goznitch into an Arctic deep freeze is when some asshole tries to lecture me while he holds a gun to my head.

Go Grizzly bears!  Eat the Bundy Bunch!  Do us this service to improve the human gene pool.  And, why not, they couldn't taste worse than eating groundhogs.

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