Sunday, January 31, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 1/31

Jan 31, 2016
Jan 30, 2016, 5 comments

This is novel because everything up there, other than the first with Kirkwood, is about making music. The Kirkwood article is funny and it got many hits but mostly it showed the blog was way off the track so this pulls it back to where the passion really lives.

It dawned on me earlier I haven't had an actual explosion in a video since "Anthem for the Dead" and that one goes back fifteen years.  Part of the discipline in what I do with video now is effects of that nature are not allowed but explosions sure are a giggle.

The Five-Laser Pak is ready for action but Yevette is seriously crashed so lasers and electric guitar probably would not be her first choice just now.  Think five red lasers shooting out of the head of the Galaxy Guitar.

(Ed:  what about shooting them out of yer own head?)

That would be like making an electronic Medusa and turning people to stone just from the sight.  That story didn't turn out at all well for Medusa.  There's a problem with being Medusa, see ...

(Ed:  what's that?)

Jason chopped off her head.

(Ed:  our Jason from Jason and Andromeda in the song?)

Well, he's not exactly ours but he did chop off the Medusa's head.

(Ed:  bring Hillary Clinton into the song and make her the Medusa so Jason can chop off her head!)

You know, Rambo.  I'm not so sure you're really getting a handle on this antiwar concept.

(Ed:  it's virtual!  Whack the bitch.  You know you want to!)

We'll see, Rambo.  We'll see.

The mania in pursuing this song and "The End of the World in Fort Worth" may give the impression the Snow Queen has been about but she doesn't hang here.  There are zero stimulants and nothing has changed in that way of things.  Sometimes the Lemon Skunk smiles but I don't screw with anything else except curry chicken sometimes.  Some of you know my history so that's the only reason for a comment.  I don't repress any desire in that way, it's just not a good trip and I don't want it.

(Ed:  Lemon Skunk?)

The finest in non-corporate reefer.  You won't mind at all how this skunk smells.  He doesn't come around all the time but when he does you definitely want to be there.

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