Sunday, January 17, 2016

Twitticisms 11/17 - 1

01-17-2016 17:28:32 - Dear Ted Cruz... Judy Gold slices and dices that hayseed most elegantly, as a New Yorker would.
01-17-2016 16:48:35 - SpaceX tries for landing on drone ship but a leg latch did not close and the landing failed. via @WIRED
01-17-2016 16:46:16 - Feral cats: Computational study looks at how best to fix the nuisance
01-17-2016 16:38:45 - Beautiful FLARE skiing shows off dazzling Swiss winter nights (VIDEO)
01-17-2016 16:34:59 - U.S. Imposes New Sanctions Over Iran Missile Tests - maybe this is ping pong
01-17-2016 16:32:47 - BBC News - Iran sanctions: Gulf stocks down on oil price fears
01-17-2016 15:13:35 - Even after repeated attacks, @BernieSanders stays on the high road and he's the only one of the Presidential candidates who will.
01-17-2016 15:11:41 - Ithaka Blog: Carol Kirkwood Gives Best Weather Report of All Time: Carol Kirkwood had to do a weather report f...
01-17-2016 13:03:37 - Ithaka Blog: Hillary Clinton Talks to Congress About Super PAC Corruption: Clinton advised the most important ...
01-17-2016 12:21:53 - BBC News - Jeremy Corbyn: 'I'd take Donald Trump to a London mosque' - he must think Trump has enough balls to show
01-17-2016 11:43:02 - Ithaka Blog: The Kelpies: why Scotland's new public art is just a pile of horse poo - Jonathan Jones: (Ed: Th...
01-17-2016 11:13:32 - Poop Power: Colorado city using human waste to run its vehicles - Washington could pay for itself this way
01-17-2016 11:10:36 - "The Revenant" is meaningless pain porn | Carole Cadwalladr - not just femme hand-wringing. Excellent perspective:
01-17-2016 10:59:19 - NAZI oil, the Koch brothers and destruction of the right wing - Fred Koch was the best friend a NAZI could have
01-17-2016 09:48:18 - Ithaka Blog: Bill and Hillary Clinton Go to a Wedding: Inviting Bill and Hillary Clinton to your wedding is ne...
01-17-2016 09:35:12 - Ithaka Blog: The Presidency and Wiener Dog Hurdle Races: The breakthroughs in the relationship with Iran in re...
01-17-2016 09:08:07 - Ted Cruz admitted today he has absolutely nothing substantive to say which would be of any interest or value to anyone. Have a cigar.
01-17-2016 09:07:07 - Hillary Clinton would do well to focus on her own shabby record of shamelessly hustling corporate America for money.
01-17-2016 08:57:19 - And now @realDonaldTrump says he has 'a great relationship with God' and that's likely after so many divorces and bankruptcies, isn't it.
01-17-2016 02:12:23 - Ithaka Blog: Review of the New Star Wars Movie: It had spaceships.(Ed:  that's it, the whole review?)Oh, yes ....

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