Monday, January 4, 2016

Some of You Are Bummin' Hard on the New Year

The Rockhouse isn't bleak but today has revealed some seriously bleak stuff from people in thinking 2015 sucked and it looks like 2016 will suck too.

In talking with one person, there was a consistent theme that there's nothing to be gained by continuing.  There was no performance in the conversation but rather logic in not being is the absence of pain, physical and psychic.  My counter is mostly pragmatic that not being isn't anything at all.  Even if you do make it to Heaven, what will you do there.  Do you even know how to play a harp?  I sure don't.

That was one case of sincere bumout and I ran into another one later and this one wasn't so depressed but still there's a clear and sincere feeling nothing good is going to come.

The last big event for me in 2015 was a doctor telling me I've got a malignant cancer on my corpus.  The first event in 2016 was cutting the rest of that bitch out of there and it's got plenty hurty since the anesthetic wore off.  We don't do no stinkin' pain meds, tho.

Yah, so I believe that qualifies to write on suckage in life but it's not my purpose to focus on that and I will absolutely keep my focus where it has been on finishing "The Sanctuary Song."

That leads to pulling "The Silo Song" back into this to discover how well it will adapt to being played from a looper rather than tracks.

That led to thinking today to make the Greatest Hits album.  There's another called "New Age" and that's the first one I wrote.  There was "Don't Bury Your Dead" before that but that was more a collective effort by The Rot, a band which came to life and rotted all in the same evening ... but ... that song came out of it.  To my knowledge, there's no surviving recording of it.

There can't be too much dredging of the past even for a Greatest Hits album.  All I want from the songs is the chord changes and it doesn't matter to me how I played them previously.

There's no guarantee I will make a dime on doing any of this but still it's the most fulfilling thing I can possibly do, even at the height of health and with money gushing out of my pockets; I would still want to do the same thing.

Which means 2016 is the year to make a song which doesn't suck.  Cadillac Man and I talked about the self-deprecating crap and I'm working on that.  It's real but it's not even close to helpful.

"The Silo Song" has the potential for non-suckage because the chord changes are interesting and the reason for playing it on a looper is I can add some more phrases and bend it all to hell.  The difficult part is finding a live missile silo in which they would let me shoot some video.

The purpose in the article is only secondarily to talk about myself because I've got every right for multiple reasons to call my life a total piece of shit.  I can focus on that or I can focus on the music but doing both has no chance of working.

There's another focus on a little fairy I saw today along with her fairy godfather and fairy godmother.  I haven't seen this fairy princess in three years and she even remembered me.  Of course you know, it's the best kind of juju when a fairy princess remembers you.

She was showing me some of her fairy princess dance moves and a whole busload of kittens couldn't touch that for adorable.  I didn't know fairy princesses like to play video games but this one does and she likes to play with her fairy godmother.

There was a whole lot of beautiful in three fairies I haven't seen for a long, long time.  Getting cut this afternoon was the first part of 2016 and talking with fairies was the second part.  The cutting is getting kind of hurty and we still don't take no stinkin' pain meds so we will get horizontal at this time because the cutting will get less hurty but the fairies will always be adorable.

Yah, some stuff is going to suck but that stuff fades.  Adorable is forever and that's how 2016 looks so far.


Anonymous said...

Yes there is a surviving copy. It is on a tape reel on one of my bookshelves. I recently found it when remodeling the game room with hardwood floors so the fairy can roller skate indoors during the winter

Unknown said...

That's a riot! If there's any way you could sample it, the recording would be tremendously appreciated.

That was such a beautiful job on that floor and it cracks me up you let her roller skate on it. She was so much radiating adorability! An indoor bouncy house has got to make the golden hit parade for spoiling grandkids but it's a tight race with an indoor roller rink! No way anyone can possibly make up stuff like this! I hope I give some idea of how cool it is to see that and I haven't forgotten how she was talking to Greece when she was three. She has an Adorability Quotient which goes through the roof.

Anonymous said...

Hardwood floors are made for soft wheel skates. The bounce house folds up along the wall so she can skate or use the Xbox Kinnect to play the dance games.
Grand kids were made to be spoiled since i only have one I can do a very good job of spoiling her.
I will up my game to send you a recording of it. I set up my video wall it has many electronic picture frame cycling various themes. So sending you one of those files should be easy or making a new one I have to thank the wife of the guy who invented it. You know she hounded him to do it.

Unknown said...

Unknown if you have sampled things before and the easiest way is to get a converter plug to bring the audio leads down to a mini-plug for a computer. Much better if you can get it coming in over USB but I can't imagine it's such a high-quality recording anyway. AIFF is the best format to save it because it's non-lossy and preserves all of the original.

When she was talking about all these video games I thought, oh yeah, they have got spoiling covered and it's a delight to see. It must be huge fun to spoil a kid like that. I could see myself doing an Alex and kidnapping any grandkid who came near to take them out to watch movies.