Saturday, January 9, 2016

Still Nothing in the News Except Lamers and Poofs

It's a GOP-dominated day when the most interesting thing to come out of the news is the question of why so many words in Spanish end with an 'O' ... but ... there is a little more.

After a year, maybe two, Hillary Clinton's emails are still some kind of news.  However, you need to keep in mind different perspectives on news.  The GOP has tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, oh, two hundred and seventy-three times now so you can tell them anything at all is new and they will believe it.  We may be witnessing the longest and most consistent example of legislative failure in America's history.

Then we have Paul Ryan, purported to be the leader of the Congress of the most powerful and richest country on the planet.  He yesterday offered his considered opinion on whether Obama's tears were real and then he launched into a comparison of competitive crying in which Paul Ryan listed news events which made him cry.  Paul Ryan doesn't seem to realize any news can make most people cry ... so long as Paul Ryan is still in it.

Ammon Bundy, along with his Brokeback Boys in Oregon, still doesn't understand he's a cartoon, his spelling skills are at roughly the level of the Our Gang clubhouse, and his educational level makes him more of an embarrassment to America than any kind of representative.  In the case of this group, think tactical nuclear weapons and think of one chucked at that bunch as gene pool quality control.

Although they may have already reproduced, at least then they won't do it again.  Save the gene pool, don't let the Bundys stay in it.  Think of future generations who will otherwise have to be bored senseless with their stupid shit.  Save the children from that.

There's an aggressive campaign to embarrass America and Donald Trump is the obvious leader in that one by continuing to cultivate an audience with an aggregate IQ of a car bumper.  The sluttiest aspect of that was when he said Carly Fiorina was beautiful and the reaction from anyone else was, holy fuck, are you serious.  That sniveling suck-ass is offensive just from continuing to breathe.

They say he stands his ground but he rolled over faster than a Tijuana hooker on that evil bitch.  She's a severe, hateful woman but she still hasn't managed to get herself hated as much as Ted Cruz.  His efforts have really been a masterpiece in bootlicking and ass polishing.

After Obama gave his Executive Order to better manage background checks on gun purchases, CNN ran an article from way, way off the wall which led with 'Ronald Reagan, Also One to Go it Alone' and who knows what possible connection they could see between Reagan and Obama.  The only time Reagan went anything alone was with Iran/Contra and all the treason behind that.  Naturally, the one who took the most glee in shitting all over the Constitution and the law, Oliver North, didn't go to jail for his crimes but was elevated to the level of a national hero because ...

because ...

Republicans are never guilty of anything, just ask any judge.  Tip:  all judges are Republicans.

Bill Clinton is going on and on trying to act like he was once a member of the Rolling Stones rather than being the miserable fuck who sold out the American workforce and then compounded it by killing Glass-Steagall and permitting bank corruption to destroy whatever was left of it.  Bill Clinton isn't Rolling Stones material and, frankly, we're amazed even Fleetwood Mac put up with his plastic personage.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is so desperate to appear credible, she's pulling into it some asshole who, the last time he was in Washington, was in imminent danger of a legitimate impeachment.

Note:  as to the legitimacy of the impeachment, we don't care if Bill Clinton fucked rock wallabies but he lied in sworn testimony and that's an axe.  It wasn't when Reagan did it because ... see above about Republicans are never guilty of anything.

There is compound lameness in GOP castigation of Hillary Clinton and her handling of North Korea since, obviously, that incompetence is the reason King Jong-un was back in the news with his li'l H-bomb.  The first lameness is saying anything and the second is failing to remember Hillary Clinton was too lame to deal with North Korea herself as Secretary of State but instead sent her lame husband who wasn't even a member of Obama's Cabinet.

(Ed:  excellent.  That means Hillary Clinton is innocent.)

In fact it means she's an incompetent bucket of cellulite who could not face a diplomatic problem herself.  As we have seen from the debates, she still can't.  Her first tactic is to raise her voice and talk over anyone else there.  To find anything with less diplomatic skill would be impossible outside of the automotive department.

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