Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Morning After the Previous Day of the New Year

Last night was the latest recording effort to capture "The Sanctuary Song" and that one went up in disappointing smoke even though it's huge fun making that smoke.

The article after this one may appear to be sour grapes on the morning after the latest attempt but, in fact, they're only sour grapes about the stultifying boredom in that which passes for news.  We're still most pleased with the song and recording it although we would be more pleased if were delivering it this morning rather than writing of it.

Doctor Sam was talking of his perception all music is mathematical and that's true in terms of many aspects but I said to him I saw it more like the algebra of computer programming in terms of modular construction and recursive execution.  That will get all "Gödel, Escher and Bach" if we continue with it but the point is valid even if crushingly boring to describe.

(Ed:  you're intellectualizing it and making it unapproachable to people)

It only looks like I'm intellectualizing because people like Ammon Bundy are in the world.  Never forget we exist on a bell curve and no matter how smart we may think we are there's someone balancing us who is dumb as a box of fucking plaster.  The only way to communicate with someone like that is with four-letter words, finger paints, and sign language.

Lasers don't care about Ammon Bundy or mathematics and there is one profoundly sad situation in the fact I need fookin' more of them.  There are two dead purples and one dead green.  The purples were successfully resurrected a couple of times previously but they aren't worth it since they're low power relative to the others and I doubt they will come back this time anyway.  The green defies any attempt to bring it back to life.  There are two other greens so that's not so terrible but there are zero additional purples.  This time I junk them because they're slackers and they just don't work.

Note:  don't get all critical of 'Chinese junk' because it's not that way with these.  The lasers are the only devices in the room with moving parts ... other than me.  The mirrors which aim the laser beams are moving constantly and anything moving that fast and that much is inevitably going to wear out.  (Other things have parts which move but only when I move them, the lasers never stop)

There's a four-beam laser from China which goes about about $150 and it has four independent laser beams with each beaming a different color (red, yellow, purple, green).  That will roast the budget which is already pre-roasted since I blew the ganja budget on (gasp) food but there's another problem in it would take most of two weeks to deliver it plus a day to mount it and program it.  After all the time working up "The Sanctuary Song," maybe that's not a big deal but I already blew off the idea for that reason (i.e. would take too damn long).

That lament won't stop recording tonight and I sure as hell will go with it if I get a good capture ... but ... it would be so damn cool with four more beams.

There's no diminution of the lust for an action cam in the light rack either.  I can see what it would look like ... but ... arrrggghhh (larfs).

As to why the campaign for this song goes on and on and on ... them Frasers are some stubborn bitches.  I've noticed that.

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