Saturday, January 16, 2016

Another Galaxy Just Because We Love You

She's quite a beauty, isn't she.  We don't know her NGC number but the pic was shot with Hubble and people decry the expense but we sure do love the pics.  Hubble has likely been a good value since the space telescope has been orbiting for so long I don't even remember how long ago it was launched.  That platform has given many years of service.

There's a feminist twist to this as well since galaxies are often identified with the female gender and Andromeda is the most famous of all.  So, girl, we named a trillion stars after you.  Will that be alright?

This pic does not show the Andromeda galaxy but, regardless of your familiarity with astronomy, you have almost certainly seen her.  In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the most beautiful mortal who ever lived and her mother, oh so wisely, bragged she was even more beautiful than the goddesses in Olympus.  Well ... you know that won't turn out in any good way.

(Ed:  don't leave it hanging.  What happened?)

Jason came, killed Medusa, and they lived happily ever after.

(Ed:  that's it??  Sounds like an episode of "The Waltons")

Well, Andromeda is on the Galaxy Guitar and that's also her name.  That's another touch of feminism since you will never, ever hear of an axe-whacker naming his guitar after a man.

Andromeda, the Galaxy Guitar

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