Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jessica Valenti of the Guardian: Murdering Feminism on a Daily Basis

Hillary Clinton supporters: it is OK to care about gender on the ballot (Jessica Valenti on The Guardian)

Here's the first line from the article:  when it comes to women in politics, the United States is pretty much the pits.

(Ed:  after a first line like that, why would you read the rest of it?)

I didn't, Hambone.

(Ed:  wtf is 'pretty much')


(Ed:  what are the pits?)

That started about twenty years ago and died shortly thereafter.  No-one was really sure what the pits were, you just didn't want to be in them.  The only pits I know were in the first Adventure game by Willie Crowther and you didn't want to walk around in the dark or you may fall into a pit and be eaten by a grue.  So, in the interest of avoiding the pits and being eaten by a grue, always know where you put your towel and your flashlight.  In the interest of being a competent journo, such weak expressions should also be avoided, lest the hapless journo risk the same fate with a grue.

(Ed:  your towel?)

Different story.  Don't panic.

The title was all we needed to see because it's an example of the most deluded, self-absorbed journo incompetence we have noted in some while.  Valenti has a knack for writing mindless crap like that but she really went for the Grand Prize this time.

It's not ok to care about gender on the ballot any more than it's ok to care about race, sexual preference, or religion.  In saying such a thing, Jessica Valenti puts herself in the same bigot handbook as the Jim Crow laws.

We have just had eight years of the most lucid proof possible that skin color doesn't make the slightest difference to the way a President does his job and yet now Valenti tells us boobs are important.  Obama was in all the papers so we assume Valenti just doesn't fucking read them; likely she only reads the articles she writes herself and that's good because it's unlikely anyone else does.

(Ed:  why do you bash Valenti so much?)

Blazing incompetence.  I see an article from her most times when I look at the Guardian and she's the journo equivalent of Trump with the same pasty color but without the wig.

The outrage over Valenti's title is only secondarily about feminism because the concept goes against everything the country has been doing for the last sixty-six years since the beginning of forced desegregation and the official but not final end of Jim Crow laws.

In the vanishingly-small possibility you have not already decided Hillary Clinton would a singularly poor choice for the White House, take a look at Jessica Valenti and she will convince you no woman should ever be in the White House.

If Jessica Valenti doesn't finish you on the idea of women in politics, take a look at Carly Fiorina who we suggest is one of the nastiest females we have ever encountered.  Fiorina has routinely lied to define her positions, she has sponsored distorted videos of Planned Parenthood to try to kill the program, and she has put tens of thousands of people out of work at HP.  Sure, let's get her involved with politics because the field just doesn't have enough boobs in it.

(Ed:  the GOP Presidential team has nothing but boobs)

Wrong kind, Hambone.

Since we would like something more out of this than a slam of the fatuous logic of a second-rate journo, we're looking for Elizabeth Warren to get off the pot because it's time, girl.

Please, please don't make the mistake of supporting Hillary Clinton because your career will never be able to rise above that.  However, in partnership with Bernie Sanders, there is no limit to how far Sanders and Warren can go and that likely would be the strongest possible springboard to the Presidency for her.

Seeing a woman in the White House would be just fine but we won't accept second-rate imitations such as Hillary Clinton to accomplish that end.  Clinton is just another corporate lapdog and it would be more honest if she partnered with Carly Fiorina because there's not likely to be much difference in behavior between either one of them whereas Elizabeth Warren has been a forthright voice for equality for everyone, regulation of Wall Street, etc, etc.  That's the language we need from a leader.

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