Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Ongoing Rape of Monica Lewinsky

There was some bashing of Monica Lewinsky taking place and one fellow contended there was no reason to ever hear her name again but he said Bill Clinton deserved to have his name in the paper.  I asked if that was for selling out the unions in NAFTA or by permitting the corruption of banks too big too fail.  Thus far, there is no answer.

Bashing that girl continues to this day.  All for a crumby blowjob and, typical of a rape trial, she's blamed for it because 'she was flirty.'  If you're charged with rape, make sure this guy is on the jury. He will let you go.  You dressed too sexy, you cheap slut.

America is making saints out of colostomic shitbags.  Reagan stole $2.9T from our Social Security reserve and undermined the Savings & Loan category of banks.  As he signed that legislation, he said to the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, we really hit the jackpot this time."

I know he said that as I heard him myself.

So they made him a saint.  He should have been put in front of a firing squad for the misery he unleashed through the phony budgetary analysis by David Stockman and Alan Greenspan to justify trickle-down economics.  The tax rate never went back up for any significant period thereafter so no President ever since has been anything more than a clerk helping to launder the money while not using a dime of current budget money to pay it back.

As above, Clinton sold out the unions to Mexico and he set the stage for the most corrupt financial environment the world has ever seen.  But, dayum, he is one charming motherfucker, isn't he.

He also should have been put in front of a firing squad for the misery he unleashed on the world via corrupt Wall Street banking.

Ultimately, the most obscene rape of all is that of America and the most vile obscenity of it is Americans are the ones who do it.  Of course I don't mean you or you would have bailed on the first paragraph.  You know who I mean.

There really are only two choices:  stand up or sit there and wait for death.  That applies to anything but now more than ever.  This isn't about that farce of an election but rather finding truth as how can you possibly find the right person to lead you when you don't know where you want to go.

Stand up.  You'll figure it out.

Yah, and I'll stand up beside Monica Lewinsky too.  Sure, girl, you really fucked up but, no-one knows better than I, so do we all.  People call it a crime for a girl to fall in love with the Wizard of Oz but my only question is why would you not.  Of course she did and he let her down like that sleazy flow of colostomic refuse he has always been.

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