Friday, August 28, 2015

About Walking All Over Gandhi

In advocating a military action, Gandhi weeps because it so fails the principles.  In the Ten Commandments, there is nothing about revenge.  We look to Gandhi for guidance on that and his answer is plain, don't fight.

That guidance isn't strong enough for us in a situation in which it's not vengeance but self-defense and is therefore judged to be clearly just.  This clear and immediate peril cannot be stopped any other way.

After which statement, Gandhi is sure to ask, are you sure it cannot be stopped any other way.  In this case I believe it is true because there is so much profit in growing the opium poppies that the cost of producing the heroin has to go higher than the price to sell or there's no chance it will stop.  The opinion here is that taking a path of non-violent resistance in this context serves only to sacrifice some percentage of the children.  They will try it.  They will get addicted.

Maybe Gandhi asks since you will do it anyway and stage this grand military exercise, why should not more fields of opium come under cultivation after you have gone.

This one should toast all vestige of Constitutional process.  Here's the Rockhouse suggestion on the strategy:

Sufficient military engagement in concert with the Mexican military to wipe out the heroin in Mexico as much as possible.  Anything else has to come in by air so this puts a huge hurt on heroin imports.  We don't know about imports by sea but we don't believe there's any chance all large vessels are fully-inspected.  The staff required would be enormous.

At the same time, legalize heroin in the US but it's only available from government-controlled locations.  The strategic value is to drop the bottom out of the resale value for gangsters.  They go bankrupt overnight and have zero incentive to bring in more.  There's minimal temptation for corruption in the state stores because the heroin has no appreciable market value.

One possible flaw with government registration for free or low-cost heroin is that it means you are identified and job prospects are limited.  It's conceivable an underground black market could exist which relies on expensive and illegal imported heroin so various high performers can do it on the sly.

Stocks in the U.S. will drain out and a whole lot of junkies will be going into hard withdrawal over a relatively short period of time.  There has to be support for them in some adequate measure as they're not collateral damage in this war.  How this support would be managed is a problem to engage as, here at the Rockhouse, we don't see any other way you can kill it other than go for it hard-core.

Nancy Reagan said, "Just say NO."  Stop using those drugs.  No effect whatsoever.

We say "Just say FUCK YOU."  Do what needs to be done to make them stop making the stuff.

This is philosophically gut-wrenching as pacifism is a crucial component of my ideal and yet there is no better answer I can give.

Note:  the opium poppy cannot be eliminated from the face of the Earth as it has valid medical applications.  Given the plant will exist, the price has to be held low or the temptation will inevitably be to smuggle seeds out of the laboratory and start up another field somewhere.

Two of the most pervasive and deadly terrorists on the planet are, in fact:  heroin ... and mosquitos.

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