Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mike Huckabee Demonstrates Why No-One Should Ever Become a Christian

Mike Huckabee has said explicitly he does not support an abortion for a ten-year-old who was raped by her stepfather.  That this demon characterizes himself as a Christian is every reason you need to never want to be one.  (Huffington Post:  Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather)

He asks, "Does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?"

It's the total contempt for the life of an innocent child that gets Huckabee in front of a camera as that ten-year-old will be destroyed by the impossible task of being a mother.  If the child is taken from her, she is left with a hole in her heart.  If the child is kept, she has a hole in her life where her childhood was.  Either way, he condemns her.  Praise Jesus.

He got his camera time and as to the kid ... fuck her.

Newsflash on that, asshole:  someone already did.


Do you have any idea how often this shit happens.  Did you ever actually talk to a real woman?  It happens all the time.  It's the babies who are really cursed who end up pregnant from it.  And they hardly ever say anything ... because it's family.

The GOP, in general, is the strongest argument anyone could ever find for never becoming a Christian.  Their behavior via CIA death squads (multiple examples have been quoted in different articles), illegal invasions of foreign states, and miscellaneous mayhem make a farce out of any commitment to any teaching of Christ.  When the Pope admonishes them, they laugh at him.

They may very well laugh at the Pope but Jesus won't be laughing back.

It doesn't matter what we believe here in the Rockhouse as it's simple logic that you cannot piss on his Bible and then tell him you love what's in it.

No group on the planet violates with greater fervor the Commandment, Thou Shalt not Kill.  They spend vast amounts of money on it, maintain ongoing combat in conflicts in which they do not belong, and they proclaim their piety to the Heavens.


Who would not respect that.

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