Sunday, August 16, 2015

John McCain's Determination to Show Vets How Much He Hates Us

The G.I. Bill, implemented somewhere around the end of WWII was, in large part, the driver behind the prosperity which came to America in the post-war years.  The G.I.s came home from fighting and many went off to university and they learned.  These were hard, combat soldiers and no-one was going to waste their time.  They learned, they worked, and they built suburbia out of all those pre-fab houses.  They created the image of America you see in "Leave It to Beaver" and it was real.  This was the American Dream coming true.

We can get into the sociology of suburbia some other time but it's not important in this context whether the American Dream was any good as it was there for John McCain when he got out of the military.  America was as generous as it could possibly be with the veterans she truly believed had saved the world as those benefits were ongoing during Vietnam Era.

We can get into it another time regarding the honest division of the win in WWII but it's not important in this context how Russians treat their veterans.  We hope it's well but we don't know.  We do know how Jesse McCain has treated veterans ever since he returned home and reaped the full benefit of the original G.I. Bill package.

John McCain has returned that generosity and shown his loyalty to his fellow veterans ever since he joined the Republican Party by cutting the benefits which were given to him, ensuring no veteran of today has anywhere near the benefits he got.

That isn't enough to him as he is also undermining the Veterans Administration because he believes it should be privatized.  This is no secret as he has stated it explicitly.

There are multiple examples of Republicans who took benefits from the state only to turn around and work politically to ensure those same benefits are not available to anyone else.  We have high confidence Tom Cotton is another of this disloyal ilk but he's not worth researching.  You may recall he does business with Israel before he will with the White House.

The rampaging disloyalty of the GOP toward the veterans on whom they rely so much is an ongoing disgrace.  There are veterans committing suicide at a rate well-above typical population levels and this is the time McCain wants to cut off their medical and psychological support.


If you show me a Republican patriot, my only question would be, "Can you bring me a real American instead?"

Just to prove his absolute contempt for American veterans, McCain compounds reducing G.I. Bill benefits and attempting to undermine the Veterans Administration by doing everything he can to foment a war with Iran.  He insults veterans on a daily basis and then turns around and makes demands of modern soldiers, attempting repeatedly to send them to combat.

That kind of infamy has no appropriate word.

"Only the Good Die Young" - Scorpions with Tarja Turunen (blog link)

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