Sunday, September 4, 2016

Republicans Have Never Got One Single Thing Correct

Rather than the typical GOP smokescreen, we will take this point by point:

Trickle down economics and tax cuts on the rich as slashed by Reagan and almost total lethargy since.

The effect worked great for the rich while it gutted the work environment for lower-skilled workers such that the only expectation for many of them is a crumby retail job at Walmart.

Verdict:  dead wrong

Environmental Protection Agency

Without changes the EPA has forced on Detroit and has been fought like an invading army of predators, US cities would look like Beijing and you would know what Beijing looks like if the smog cover ever blew away.

Verdict:  dead wrong

Climate Change

It's not some Facebook noodle for pseudo-intellectual online circle jerk but rather it takes place right now as the encroachment from rising seas gets more and more destructive on American coasts.  In some cases Pacific islands are already being evacuated or are so seriously encroached they will have to evacuate in the relatively near future.

Verdict:  dead wrong


As today's 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma and the largest ever in OK in 2011, the evidence comes in growing abundance regarding the environmental destructiveness of fracking in the short-term and they have no idea of the destructiveness over the long-term but expecting improvement is ludicrous.

Verdict:  criminally wrong

Destruction of American unions

A time of relative prosperity across the country and across pay scales when unions were strong was replaced by a bleak two-dimensional hell of haves and have-nots.

Verdict:  criminally wrong

States' Rights

The only consequence of states' rights is undermining the authority of the Federal in such a way that any second-rate pissant can overturn the will of the people of America as stated by the Fed.  The Fed works for the future of America whereas the second-rate pissants only work toward a gig on Dancing with the Stars with other losers like Sarah Palin.

Verdict:  dead wrong

Aggressive militarization

The military comprises roughly half of the Federal budget and that massive cost is at the expense of all but the most basic infrastructure (i.e. roads) and that's only for support of increased consumerism (i.e. more cars).

Elon Musk came up with the HyperLoop but Russia is in contract talks to build the first production facility while America stalls yet again on the future.

Every developed nation in the world has high-speed rail ... except America.

Sewer systems and drainage systems have not been upgraded on city-wide bases anywhere.

In general, the military expense is so great as to severely degrade improvement of any kind to the country and this doesn't even touch social programs since those budgets are altogether different.

Verdict:  dead wrong and, in many cases, criminally wrong

Democratization of the world

One of the worst foreign policy blunders in human history which ranks up there with the Reich, the Roman Empire and every bad idea in-between.  It doesn't work, it's obvious it doesn't work, and yet it never changes, always with some over-medaled peacock who never did much of anything but he screeches incessantly about patriotism and the need for readiness for ... something.

Verdict:  criminally wrong

The list goes on endlessly until only one conclusion remains:  the Republican Party has never got anything right except freeing the slaves and that wasn't even Lincoln's intention.  The slaves were freed by political expediency rather than moral imperative.  In that context, the Republican Party did get one thing right ... but it achieved that accidentally.

Hillary Clinton has never given more than lip service to any of this.  We therefore continue with the contention she's just another Republican and the only difference between she and the regular kind is she often wears carpets or drapes or something equally hideous.  Given her budget, you might think she might try to look like less of a frumpy old matron.  Perhaps she realizes she will blow any other image as soon as she speaks.

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