Sunday, September 11, 2016

Because Kids with Animals

We have no idea what the kid is doing with the goat but the animal doesn't seem to mind and who could possibly find any malice in that kid's eyes anyway.  Maybe he's just trying to stabilize the goat until those freaky, soul-stealing photographers go away.

Life looks like it does ok for you, little guy, since you look healthy and the goat looks like it receives good care.  You're sure not some downtown kid but what do they know anyway.  They have no goats and can't make their own feta cheese.

Note:  feta cheese is typically made with cow's milk in Europe but Greece doesn't have so many cows and more frequently has sheep and goats.  Sheep's milk is said to be the best for Greek feta cheese but they use goat's milk in the mix as well and there are plenty of goats around.

One of the things I loved about Greece was riding my scooter through a flock of sheep and they didn't mind a bit so long as I stayed cool and you bet the rams were watching.

There's a ram approaching from the back of the flock and he won't do anything so long as I stay cool and don't come around messin' with the missus.

The shepherd is an older man and the younger ones would often ride 125 cc motorcycles.  The sheep didn't seem to mind the bikes at all.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics. That little boys eyes!!

Unknown said...

Maybe he grows up to be a new Omar Sharif! But don't drag him to Hollywood, it would run him!

And I still need to get on with posting my own pics to the map. Get cracking, you bloody slacker!

Anonymous said...

Oh I thought it WAS one of yours.....bad. Yes, get a crackin' and put up some of your own pics!

Unknown said...

Nope, not me. I would be ever so proud to say I did shoot it tho.

The answer is still the same for the map: get it done!