Saturday, January 9, 2016

When Propaganda Was So Much More Fun

People like to think Fox News offers some new thing in its blatant propaganda but there's always been some channel for that sort of rot.  The McCarthy witch hunts for Communists were in the fifties so Fox News is hardly a new invention.

The poster was out-dated almost as soon as they printed it because Stalin croaked at about the same time and he killed millions of people.  He became the face of Communism but he didn't have so much to do with that as being just another violent dictator, albeit one on a huge scale.  That played well for the propagandists so the posters started coming.  Stalin is Communism is Death.  They sure got that one right since it's now sixty years later.

Fox News punches out this type of thing every day but now they substitute Muslims, liberals, or whomever they fancy at any given moment.

Well ... most of that Red Iceberg is in the European Union now.  The Domino Theory isn't something you hear from the rabid right anymore but it was their premise the Soviet Union was advancing one country at a time toward global domination.  The pic shows an advance was taking place but it wasn't by Russia.

If the Russians come as those Communist heathens will always try to do, they will subjugate and crush our women, particularly ones with nicely-rounded breasts as with this downtrodden maiden.

So there's only one answer ...

So, no ... Fox News didn't even change the teleprompters from the fifties except for a cut and paste on the names.  CNN does the same thing.

Where is Mister Cavendish.  That whole bloody lot of journos needs to be soundly thrashed. 

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