Sunday, January 10, 2016

"The Sanctuary Song" Take 6 is a Possible Keep

There are five video tracks and one audio track from Take 6 tonight and they have been loaded into Final Cut where they have been 'macro-synced' (i.e. good enough for rock'n'roll) but there will a fine sync before any slicing of the groceries.

All of the tracks look generally good and the music sounded fairly splendiferous so this one is a distinct possibility for a Keep.

The first article was three and a half hours ago and that was when the setup started.  Yep, that's how long it takes to capture ten or twelve minutes of video.  Maybe you're thinking a live set is difficult but that's one hour in and out, you're done.  It's much harder for the venue owner.  (Actually I like an hour before a live set to focus and an hour after to burn back down again)

There's a great sense of accomplishment but the edits will take two hours without even stretching so that part may wait for the morning because this one is gassed.  It does feel good, tho.  All I wanted to do earlier was crash but video guilt is bigger than that and knowing it will be twenty-four hours before I get another shot says you ain't sleepin' just yet.

Way back the approach would have been say there, 'lay out a couple of lines,' let's burn.  That will work but the day you gain will cost two and the only way to get going after that is a couple more lines.  Some of you know this but I'm surprised how many don't, particularly kids.

In a lot of ways, coke was searching for something I already had and it wasn't necessary for anything except artificial excitement.  I never abused it in an addictive way but I sucked up quite a bit of it in binges and everything with coke is a binge because no-one ever keeps any for later.

The thought crossed my mind earlier that a bit of toot would be peachy and I know it's only a distraction but maybe you don't know how the Snow Queen will chase you.  I may be old but I'm still faster than her.

There was a fogger freakshow when it decided the controller was strictly advisory ... and stopped paying attention to it.  Unclear what happened because the controller was getting power but it didn't have any particular effect ... except making a lotta, lotta smoke.  It was so thick the lasers weren't even getting through it to paint their patterns on the back wall and that's only three or four meters.

Yevette is so unbelievably cool about putting up with this crap.  Seriously, all she asks is whether it's recorded.  It wouldn't be too cool if I did it all the time and she knows I won't do it any longer than necessary for the shoot.  Even so, putting up with it at all is highly incredible and is deeply appreciated.

So the fogger got shutdown and I let it dissipate some but then I wasn't sure if there was enough smoke for the video.  The results did look cool but the annihilation of self didn't do as much annihilation as I really want.  The surrealism of it is a vital ingredient for me but the result was still cool so we'll see.

The headcam did work this time and aim was much better so there are definitely five camera views for this edit.  That's the most I ever pulled off at one time and I know that must seem like blazing self-adoration but you'll see.

I'm really tired but so curious to see how it will play out.  This is the catch your breath part after doing it and deciding whether to jump back into it for a few more hours.  I know it would likely be better to wait but patience is such a drag.

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