Friday, January 15, 2016

What Was That About Mass Transit?

This looks like at least two or three A380 aircraft in rolling stock here.  There are some thinking air travel answers all the questions and we only need to do it better but you couldn't put enough aircraft into the air to move this many people without overloading control systems.

The enthusiasm here on the blog for high-speed rail in America has been clear in previous articles but there's also a lot to be said for low-speed rail.  Mostly American rail lines are only carrying freight and you see in the picture the potential passenger demand.  America's population isn't growing anywhere near fast enough to approach that of India but there are still three hundred million people to move.

Map of India's highways:

Map of India's rail lines:

It appears the rail system is more comprehensive than the highway system and this may go some distance to explain the extraordinary crowding on the train.  In America, the system is reversed and here we see the same kind of crowding but in a different form during urban rush hours when the highway system can't even come close to handling the load. 


Anonymous said...

Guess no one announced keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle

Unknown said...

They probably won't care much about tray tables either