Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Presidency and Wiener Dog Hurdle Races

The breakthroughs in the relationship with Iran in recent times may register as the most significant accomplishments of the Obama administration and present a radical departure from the ineptitude of every previous administration in relationships with that state going all the way back to Eisenhower with the Brit / U.S.-sponsored coup to install the Shah of Iran and overturn the legally-elected government.

Where the Bush administration increased support for nuclear development through sale of various types of hardware, Obama came to a deal with the Iranians which was acceptable also to the Russians to halt Iranian military development of nuclear.  The deal was executed perfectly to the satisfaction of all parties and Iran has now rejoined the league of nations free of sanctions, etc.

Recently some type of military incompetence saw two small U.S. Navy vessels commandeered after they approached one of Iran's most highly-protected naval bases.  In that case, Obama had secured the release of the sailors even before the GOP wiener dogs could format some way to slash him for taking so long.  Obama thus demonstrates he is faster with action than they are with specious demagoguery.  He also suggested hurdling is not a wise career option for wiener dogs.

As always, Hillary Clinton has been all over the place in her positions with regard to Iran.  She likes to say she is not a wiener dog also but you can see how she attacks Sanders with all the gusto of any wiener dog you ever saw.

While the Obama administration's foreign policy has not met with many successes, particularly in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, the result with Iran has been superlative and, relative to the incompetence of previous administrations, it borders on miraculous.

Miraculous may sound like hyperbole but perhaps you have forgotten the incompetence and disgrace of the Iran/Contra scandal under Ronald Reagan.  That's just one of many fiascos with Iran and all relate directly to a long-standing policy of regime change which, in over sixty years, never worked.

Obama has presented the first substantive change in the relationship with Iran since the Shah of Iran was deposed fifty years ago and it's the only positive change in the relationship between the countries in all that time.

Here is the reaction of some Iranian schoolgirls when President Hassan Rouhani addressed the country regarding the accord and dropping of sanctions.

Schoolgirls follow the address of the president, Hassan Rouhani, in an open session of parliament where he said that the official implementation of the landmark deal reached between Tehran and six world powers has satisfied all parties except radical extremists.

Tehran, Iran

Photograph: Vahid Salemi/AP

The Pink Coat Team on the front row looks positively enthralled.

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