Thursday, January 14, 2016

So You're Wanting to Drive a Cruise Ship

This reminds me of my old days as a sea captain and my last run was piloting my ship from Australia to America.  We made it but, after we left to return, we had to go back to port in San Francisco.

(Ed:  left your heart?)

Yep, sad story it was, matey.

(Ed:  I thought you grew up as an orphan on the streets of Paris?)

Oui but this was long before.  I made chalk drawings on the sidewalk for the tourists and across the street, I could see the Galaxy Guitar in the window of a music store.  I knew if I kept making those chalk drawings, one day I could buy that guitar and then I would never have to draw for these fucking tourists ever again.

(Ed:  Americans hate American tourists too, especially in Florida.  Come in, spend your money, go home.)

Oui, I've seen that.  It's funny to watch.

There's the pic on top.  If you're thinking computer programming and living in a tiny cubicle are not how you had envisioned your life then here's your answer.  Go off and drive a cruise ship.

Tip:  Moby Dick had a family ... and they're really pissed.

(Ed:  so why don't they go after ships with whale-eating Japanese onboard?)

These are sperm whales and they said they don't like how Japanese taste because it's always like fish. They want more variety than that.  Always remember on the ocean:  you are food.


Anonymous said...

Watching a cruise ship turn around in the fjords in Alaska os quite impressive. With the use of the side thrusters front and rear, it pivots on its own axis
As you travel up towards the glacier you wonder how they will get back out. Then it spins and goes back the way it came

Unknown said...

I didn't know they could do that and it must be so impressive to watch for such huge vessels