Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Panderophobia or ISM Overload

Earlier I suggested maybe going to see "Star Wars 3D" because that's a cool effect and people seem to be receiving the movie well.  Playing just now isn't such a good plan so maybe that means go to see a movie even if it costs fourteen bucks to get in to see it.

But then I saw there's a female lead in "Star Wars" so presumably there's a female Jedi leading the movie even though there was never any female Jedi in all the other movies.  Right away this starts sounding like a Campbell's soup commercial and they did the same thing to Mad Max when they put Charlize Theron in it.  She did a great job in the role ... but it was still a crap movie.  Suddenly journos were calling Mad Max high art just because a chick got the lead.

Already they have a little drama going about the female lead because her figure doesn't appear in a Monopoly game featuring characters from the movie.  (The Guardian:  Star Wars Monopoly that's missing lead character has fans asking #WheresRey)

Sexism ... always focused on the major problems of the moment.

That's not the only ISM in the news as ageism is another complaint, also coming from women and this time regarding Melanie Griffith can't get a gig, ostensibly because she's too old.  (The Guardian:  Dakota Johnson hits out at 'brutal' Hollywood over ageism)

Well, let's see.  "On Golden Pond" featured old people and I never saw it because I have almost no interest in seeing such a movie but the reviews of it were excellent, lots of Academy Awards, etc.

Helen Mirren and Maggie Smith have been playing major gigs all their lives, etc, etc.

Really after you have played Queen Elizabeth I, there aren't that many older roles for women to play unless it's some domestic melodrama which is rather less interesting than a bridge tournament.

The problem isn't some inherent ageism but rather one tiny little problem:  old people are not that interesting and old people are not at all interesting to young people because, naturally, young people know much better about just about everything.

There's all kinds of bitching also about discrepancies in pay between male actors and female actors so there's more sexism.  Maybe the pay isn't fair but perhaps also they just have fucking lousy agents negotiating for them.  It's unknown but it's not breaking my heart into tiny pieces when an actor gets three million instead of four million for playing a role in a movie, regardless of whether the actor is a man or a woman.

We're fed-up with panderophobia and it would be peach of a time for Ferris Bueller to show up to give us his thoughts on ISMs and how there are too damn many of them.

Do you see any men in music other than near-death old rock gods ...

(Ed:  Justin Bieber?)

As I said, do you see any men in music?  There are many she-men singing like girls but there are zero rockers.

(Ed:  now you're whining about sexism?)

Sure seems that way, don't it, Calhoun.  That's not the point, tho, as the really talented female artists aren't on top.  There's an obsessive wave of populist pablum through Taylor Swift and that whole bimbo brigade which is so aggressively inconsequential.  Really powerful artists such as Patti Smith never got a fraction of that recognition.  Did you ever see Bonnie Raitt get the recognition she deserved and she was one of the biggest.

Can you seriously imagine Bonnie Raitt making some big deal out of how long she wanted to remain a virgin.

(Ed:  surely you have a cause worthy of some whining!)

Let's go with averageism or mediocritism in making anything for mass appeal.  Musical art isn't now a process of achieving excellence but rather making the most money and there's a ton of it to be made in the most banal pop since bubblegum music.

(Ed:  so you're whining music is dead?)

Nah, it's not dead but rather we're enduring the Age of Pop just as some endured the Age of Disco.  It will pass, they always do.

(Ed:  what comes after that?)

Who knows but often some type of new instrument breaks it open again.  Maybe there's some type of virtual reality headset which has something to do with playing an instrument and this permits something we have never heard before.  It's conceivable insofar as VR would permit you to operate controls for some instrument which you could not physically manage.  A computer which is capable of recognizing hand movements converts those to the sounds and then makes the corresponding audio.  That really wouldn't even be such a difficult thing to program.  Yah, so get cracking on that before Adele releases something else.

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