Monday, January 4, 2016

Dealing with the Bundy Bunch Terrorists in Oregon

Sure, your first inclination is to Waco their dumb asses so they sit down and shut the fuck up but that may be just a wee bit too violent if you're ever going to be facing Gandhi to explain the course of yer actions.

The first choice is making a Fox News sideshow of people who would be severely taxed if they ever had to juggle more than two balls at once.  That's likely to be as boring as a Lawrence Welk bubble show ... with guns.

How about we go for the second choice, the pacifist approach:  close the roads to the National Park the Bundy Bunch terrorists are occupying.

(Ed:  start a seige?)

Sure.  Stops the problem and no shots fired.

How about it when yer Bundy Bunch terrorists won't have anything to eat unless they play Jeremiah Johnson and start trapping wild animals.  Those urban cowboys will be screaming for Starbucks before nightfall.

(Ed:  they will be crying about persecution until they run out of oxygen)

Yah but they can do that on their own land where we can ignore them.  They can go back to wide open spaces and unconstrained bestiality and we can get on with our busy lives, specifically without them.


Anonymous said...

Those are country/mountain boys
They an survive for years up there if they have enough space

Unknown said...

Not a problem. Let them stay up there but cut off the Internet access so we don't have to listen to them going on about dictators and saving the world.

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt that it is a cable internet up there probably dish
Let them rant but send them to the woods and let the rest have the preserve back

Unknown said...

OK, let's go with Plan B and cut off the electricity. They will scream when their batteries go dead ... but we won't be able to hear them.

There are some looney events from time to time in the country but this one deserves a prize.

Anonymous said...

They did that today. I am sure generators are already there.
I believe they have food water power and communications covered from the onset

Unknown said...

OK, I'll close the roads and wait then because no chance I want to send in any shooters and make martyrs of these fools.

Anonymous said...

nope no need for another Ruby Ridge

Unknown said...

Absolutely not as there's no reason for dead people in this.

Anonymous said...

The local indian tribe is getting involved because they say that land is actually thiers.

Unknown said...

This is going to go down as the weirdest protest evah!

Anonymous said...

just more spoiled brats crying til they get what they want
please take your ball and go home
I can find a ball

Unknown said...

When even Fox News thinks you're loons, it's prob'ly time to give up the game