Friday, January 8, 2016

A Bit of that Heebee Jeebee Mumbo Jumbo on a One World Order

Here on the Socialist Left, we're really not sure who runs the One World Order we hear bantered about so much by the Alex Jones Militia of Sweetmeats and Salivation.

Note:  Alex Jones, whacked-out loon as he may be, doesn't forget to pack the snacks ... a lot of them.

Some say the One World Order is a Jewish conspiracy to direct the world to its bidding.  That doesn't seem likely or Israel wouldn't take half the shit it does and we don't overlook how much shit Israel dishes out to Palestine.  We don't see much conspiracy there, a lot of incompetent governance, but not much conspiracy.

There's so much incompetent governance everywhere we don't expect to see a One World Order any time soon, notwithstanding Basil Rathbone's representation of Wings Over the World.

Note:  "Things to Come" is an incredible sci-fi movie from some time in the 1930's and it featured Wings Over the World with giant flying wing aircraft long before B-2 bombers.

We don't care about a One World Order but we would like to see a global vision to make something and it really doesn't make any difference what that something may be so long as we really want to build it.  Just as when Kennedy said he wanted to go to the Moon, practically everyone will get behind it if we think it is worth doing.

The objective now isn't necessarily to go to the Moon but it could be since we want anything in which people so much get off on being part of it.  After all that, a Moon Rock became a treasure.  It was nothing more than a sunbaked stone from a lunar plain but it's gold to whomever holds it as part of that magnificent effort.

Humans need magnificent efforts.  We build pyramids, we build fookin' spaceships.  We really, really get off on building things and, just now, incompetent governance is preventing building much of anything except stuff no-one really wants.  We get some amusements such as big-screen televisions and wearable computers but there's nothing which really matters much and there's a malaise which comes behind that.

Malaise becomes fear and fear is the mindkiller.

Maybe it seems airy fairy philosophy but my life is crap until I play.  Then I'm building something I feel is worth building and I feel like a million fookin' dollars.

Not everyone can play and it would suck if all of us did but all of us want to build things from rehabbing houses to building spaceships to who knows what.

Mostly political candidates talk about taxes because the speakers are so limited in vision they can't think beyond anything a bookkeeper would see.  The same applies with endless prattling about Planned Parenthood, etc, etc.  No-one talks of building anything but rather there is endless proclamation of making America great again.  It's an odd thing to say when nothing is proposed toward doing that except accounting tricks.

We need a major vision and we know you feel it too.  Right now we're stuck with endless parochial gamesmanship, internally and internationally, but that doesn't produce anything which has any long-term value, it only makes amusements for television.

Maybe your vision is to fix super volcanoes.  You know there's a monster out in Yellowstone Park and the impact to the world from an eruption is substantial.  Fixing that would be an impressive undertaking so maybe the world takes that as the challenge.  If we can fix the one in Yellowstone then we can fix them anywhere so this becomes a grand global challenge.

(Ed:  Mother Earth uses volcanoes to play with the atmosphere.  It's extremely bad juju to toy with Mother Nature!)

True enough but this is only a hypothetical.  We need an undertaking of that kind of scope such that all of us see it and think, hell yes, we need to do that.  You know how humans get off on these kinds of things.

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