Friday, January 8, 2016

Running Out of Reasons to Wait

There was another dry run just now of "The Sanctuary Song" and Yevette asked the same thing she has asked quite a bit now:  did you record it?

Nope, it wasn't recorded but I told her I'm running out of reasons not to do that.

Tonight makes a peach of an aiming point so I'm looking again to do it in the evening and specifically this one.  There's nothing I particularly want to change and now I want to see how the whole thing goes.

This fish is not going to get away.

Those two guys are going to eat that huge fish??  Fuhgedaboudit!

Meanwhile, I wonder how a video will work for "Andromeda Weeps" since I doubt anyone in a missile silo will too much be looking forward to my smiling presence shooting video in one.  And they would really get pissed if I have Jason and Andromeda down there while she pleads with him not to murder the world.  That probably would not be well-received.

The way I've got the lyrics now, Jason never actually goes into the missile silo but that doesn't make such a dramatic video.  Plus it doesn't make much sense in the story for her to be begging him not to do something but we really don't know what that thing may be.

The other option is to do it as machinima and shoot it in Second Life but it's not intriguing because, in my view, the things I do now are more surreal than a virtual world.  In the latter there is more a focus on self but that's an inherent limitation to the story when it's about one self out of six billion.  It's not my purpose to represent for only one.

Whether that thinking comes clear in "The End of the World in Fort Worth" video remains to be seen so ...

did you record it yet?

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