Saturday, August 15, 2015

About Burning Me in a Fire - Updated

A good many would cheerfully burn me in a fire but be careful which one you barbecue as the real one will really hate it.  I am a simulacrum in this context.  I do not read individual walls and instead scan the general feed.  The overwhelming hatred is ubiquitous on Facebook albeit with brief interruptions of pics of otter pups and miscellaneous cute animals.  I am a foreigner in this land and always have been.  I am a chameleon but absorb colors selectively.  I'm not a reflection of me in here but rather a reflection of you.  It's always been my way or I would still speak with an Australian accent.

When I see bare-faced lies such as this war on cops, I will respond just as viciously as the people who tell such lies for what they hope to elicit from them: increased police spending, more weapons, increased militarization (i.e. full-scale fascism).  The difference with my commentary is it's backed by fact and I can document it.

Note 1:  the regulars have seen my style.  If I can't document it, I won't write it except for material which should be discernible as satire.  I stopped explaining much of it as my thinking these days is the Tea Party can't keep up so why waste the strength of the tribe feeding them.

Note 2:  proof the so-called war on cops is nothing more than a vicious fantasy.
Actual number of cops killed by gunfire this year:  twenty-one, two because of accidents in which they shot themselves.  
Actual number of citizens killed by cops this year (i.e. gunfire or otherwise):  seven hundred and sixteen.

There is no greater viciousness on the planet than the drive for fascism as we have seen in rivers of blood it yields through history. We are seeing some of that now on the streets of America and Americans caused it to flow.

Hate me all you want but really you hate yourselves. You don't even know me.  It breaks my heart to know people hate me for this reason but that makes it all the more important to stand fast.  I will not yield and this never-ending combat against the people and embezzlement of their money has to stop.

You know the one man who will stop it.

P.S.  The prospect of more than a year of this has resulted in taking more of a look at G+ as I have a great many more acquaintances on there and the only thing I've found really offensive so far was Google putting a Department of Defense clip as put of my Home feed.  It was a pic of a couple of snipers dressed up as trees.

The DoD has been developing more and more ways to kill people from a mile away with no risk to the shooters and thus has developed a profile in courage which will live in legends.  I don't want to see their bullshit propaganda ever so Google fucked-up bad with that one.   Fifty percent or more of the budget so some low brain-weight psychopath can dress up like a tree to shoot people from a mile away.   Impress me to fucking death.

Note:  it's not often anything is brought here from Facebook as that environment doesn't change very much and rarely with anything original.  That was my misguided choice for writing it but most of them don't have a hope of understanding it.  Facebook selects for that and is why I should have put it on the blog in the first place.  The reason is not they lack the mind power to do it but rather that power is blocked by a great deal of baggage and they need to maintain the disguises or that virtual reality collapses.  Here at the Rockhouse we believe social networks are exceptionally dangerous toward homogenization of humanity but we are stupid and look at them anyway.

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