Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bones and Maggots

My friend and a friend of hers were up in front watching television.  I went up to visit for a moment and my friend's friend said this new lotion worked.

I said the stuff keeps vampires away and he agreed he had not seen any.

That's your best defense against vampires.  Defending against zombies is easy: don't login to social networks.

At that moment I heard from the television 'maggots.'

I confirmed with my friend, did she just mention maggots?

My friend said she had and that they call her Bones.  I said thought Bones was hot in an accountant kind of way.

I confirmed again with my friend, you are watching a television show featuring an accountant woman who likes dead people and maggots?

She said, yes, it's a forensics show.

I declined to watch it with them, however.

Television certainly has come a long way since The Smothers Brothers.

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