Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Laser Cat Video (in development)

Medora asked me what I got Cat for her seven year RezDay on Tuesday and I didn't answer but that wasn't due to absence of a plan.  Nooooo....

I have finger lasers
I have cats
I have video

Before you start calling PETA, the National Guard, and / or your local vigilantes, no cat is injured in the course of making this video.  The cat doesn't look at the laser source and it just runs around on the floor chasing the dots.

This is funny stuff to watch but then I thought, hmm, this needs an audio track.  I've got "Is it Cool Enough for Cat in A Flat" but that name will change to "A Cat in A Flat" as the regulars here will know how it got that name but no-one else will.  As resolved elsewhere, the song is not in A Flat so that will wind up Doctor Seuss just a little bit more.

I can't use the version of the song from the Dirty Dancing Warehouse as it really was cool enough for Cat ... but it wasn't cool enough for me.  She wasn't hearing the same thing as the audio stream is compressed for SL and apparently that process is fairly forgiving.  I listened to the high-res version of the recording and ... I am not forgiving.  Chop!

All that means is that I will do it again in the show on Thursday and will use the recording from that. Yevette has a video camera so that will make it possible to get a good recording.  Onward with the Laser Cat Video.

Finger lasers started out as laser gloves that you can buy online for about $100 US.  At one time I recorded video playing a guitar while wearing the gloves but it turned out to be incredibly difficult until I cut away a great deal of the plastic-leather of the gloves.  Even cut down like that, it's a challenge but do try it as the video that comes is quite insane.  So what I have now is one half of that same set of gloves only now they are cut down all the way to the battery box and the four lasers.  No idea what happened to the other glove.

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