Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Searching for Ithaca

When Ithaka uses an alternative to 'Ithaca,' it still doesn't get the spelling correct for Greek.  It's true the 'C' becomes a 'K' but 'TH' doesn't work like that and instead that would be 'θ' (i.e. theta).

The blog title should actually be Searching for Ιθάκη with the last character sounding like 'i' instead of an 'a' but I thought that was more clever than cool so Ithaka is a mix which winds up, well, Greeklish (i.e. the text language used when Greek is expressed using an English alphabet).  The 'κ' is 'chi' so the actual sound winds up more like ithachi in which the 'ch' sounds as it does in 'loch' when Scots say it.  Germans do that too with a 'ch' sound but it's a bit more attenuated.

Ed:  so what?

Ithaca goes which ever way you like but this is Ithaka where it's not the same but still the philosophy stands.  It's really not a search since the objective is to wash up on the beach at Ithaka with absolutely nothing left; you're entirely spent after you have traveled the world, met many people, and done many things.  The tragedy is when you get there too soon for whatever reason but we're not going with a tragedy here.

Note:  there's no thieving of anything as it's noted multiple times this all goes back to Constantine Cavafy and "Ithaka."  That spelling is the same one I have used but it's still Greeklish.  Cavafy did not do the translation from Greek.  (C.P. Cavafy:  Ithaka)

Ithaka really did turn out the way of the poem.  It leaves out the early searching but it covers wandering about Europe and much of that which has happened since.  Ithaka became the 'non-book' when a real one might have been written in a non-Blogger time.  That's all part of it too.

So is this ...

My nieces, this time without penguin attire, at some unnamed supermall.  There was a time when they were so identically identical only their parents could tell them apart and they seriously did not like that.  In the intervening years, they changed things up a little.

A writer for New York Times says Lesbians showed hipsters how to be chic and I'm sure they would be amused.  (NYT:  Hipsters Broke My Gaydar)

Ed:  are we really going to it's a long, strange trip?

Nope since I left most of it out.  The point is more that the trips are all different.  Lotho has an idea for some extended family things which are immensely cool but living in that kind of matrix wasn't a dream with me except maybe for some deep Freud diving to look for continuing the early family life.

My own search is as a hermit philosopher sitting on a rock and that seems a penance but it's not at all.

Ed:  you were always a stoned hermit philosopher sitting on a rock!

Yah, I'm starting to get that.

The instigator on the Ithaka thinking just now is Cadillac Man through his jaunt to Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.  (Ithaka:  When the Clan Went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky)

He talks sometimes of me being brave in this or that but any time he rolls it's usually accompanied only by Frosty the Dog.  Frosty offers about as much physical security as fifteen pounds of bark can ever deliver.

That expedition has to be answered with the Mission to the Meerkats since we know they have some of them in the Fort Worth Zoo.  Circumstances haven't worked out for going over there and the weather is going to be aggressively worthless for a week, complete with snow on Saturday morning.

Joy (larfs).

Payday is in about a week so maybe the Meerkat Mission could work since that could give time for the weather to turn around.

Today's Mystery Question:  since meerkats live in burrows underground, why don't they just tunnel out of their enclosure and escape the zoo?

Note:  I don't know the answer.

Since meerkats live in one of the hottest places in Africa, maybe they don't come out at all at this time of year and the Mission would become Meerkat Mischance.

The sneaky ulterior motive is to suggest Yevette edit the Meerkat Mission video on her own machine.  Nothing will show her better the things her machine can do.

It really isn't true that we're Searching for Ithaka but rather we're searching for everything else because we don't want to miss a thing along the way.  It would trip to get Yevette fired up on video since who knows what she might do with it.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure how ensuring Tinkerbell has viable housing ad infinitumhas to do with Freud. Meerkats live in a conrete bowl filled with dirt and are boring this time of year as they stay mostly in the indoor part of the enclosure.
They have an incredibly unique sense of style. Some like thier art I will never understand. But I dont have to understand it

Unknown said...

Noooo, I mean my own Freud in seeking the family as it was when I was a kid with people all over the place. I don't mean specifically the Freud but any Freud who makes up stuff about your psyche until you believe it.

Ah, the Meerkat Shawshank sounds escape-proof and I see it about indoors but that video would probably be worthless. Ups and downs in temps are extremely erratic just now so likely most of the animals aren't enjoying that too much. The Meerkat Mission will have to be deferred so I need to cast about for some other type of Fort Worth-y thing to sucker Yevette into it so I can achieve the devious objective of getting her into processing the video. She will like doing it or she won't but either way she will know.