Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Difference Between Scientology and Mormonism

Mormonism is like Scientology but without the spaceships.   L. Ron Hubbard wrote "Dianetics" along with some really worthless sci-fi while Joseph Smith wrote a Cliff's Notes Bible on the sight of which Mormons fell to their knees and starting quivering, much like Scientologists when they can get one of their own on the Oprah Show.

The statement didn't elicit a response from any Scientologists because see above about spaceships and most of them are probably entangled in lawsuits anyway.  It did, however, attract a reaction from a Mormon who said, most forthrightly, Joseph Smith was a Prophet.

Moses was a Prophet and he led the Jews out of the desert.  Jesus was a Prophet and he showed Christians the Light.  Muhammad was another Prophet and he killed a lot of bitches he didn't like so he could unify Arabia.  Then there's the Prophet Joseph Smith who led his flock ... back out to the desert.

(Ed:  what desert?)

Utah, one of the most godforsaken hellholes in the country and so miserable when the NSA was looking for a home for their peeper pervs, Orrin Hatch, resident symp for pervs for years, said come on out to Utah, we've got plenty of pervs and a few more won't matter.  Just look at the FLDS where they have more child perversion than at a barbecue for Republican politicians in the Summertime.

(Ed:  what about Catholic preachers?)

We're tired of hammering their nuts for it because it's probably not entirely gone but it appears to be substantially reduced.  Dunno if Catholic preachers will ever look like William Bendix again but anything is possible.

(Ed:  why write the statement in the first place?)

Because we look for people who are amused by it rather than prigs who are not.  It's kind of the same trip with Cadillac Man as we can talk theology all night long but neither of us is interested in dogma.

Dogma doesn't answer important questions:

- Is it faster to go inside at a fast-food joint or to use the drive-thru

- Why did women have pointy boobs in the forties and fifties

- Most of all, it doesn't help answer questions about the deep meaning in the movie, "Teenagers from Outer Space"

(Ed:  wtf?)

Serious as the movie has your basic early sixties UFO invasion and that contains the ruthless and obviously superior upper class.

There are the innocent and helpless Earthlings who can't oppose the Disintegrator Ray of the UFO people.

There's the required love relationship between the disaffected runaway UFO teenager boy and innocent Earthing teenager girl.

There's the Victorian indictment of premarital sex as required for all B&W horror and sci-fi movies.  As soon as UFO boy kisses Earthling girl, the monster attacks.

The movie even has a smarmy kiss for religion when it shows UFO boy's spirit smiling down as he regards the new home he has chosen, where he has just given his life to save everyone on it.

(Ed:  so UFO boy is Bernie Sanders?)

You win today's prize of a Disintegrator Ray.  Use it wisely.

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