Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Russia Warns of Dire Consequences with the Taliban ... Again

Now that U.S. drone strikes have croaked one 'milestone' in the Taliban leadership, there will be 'severe consequences' according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.  (RT:  Dire consequences if Taliban chooses radical warlord Haqqani as new leader – Moscow)

Dire consequences ... wow ...

Apparently there's something more dire than endless civil war, exploding vehicles everywhere, and suicide attacks as common as EgyptAir plane crashes.

We have heard about so many 'milestones' in the last sixteen years about killing al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, and miscellaneous other bugaboo leaders that we could make stepping stones all the way to the Moon.  In that same time, nothing whatever improved since civil wars are even more common now than they were then, car and truck bombs are commonplace, and suicide attacks take place with impunity.

It's much like the movie "Things to Come" in which Man starts the war with futuristic weapons but ends it fighting with clubs.  The Engineers build a new world from the ruins but the conservatives rise again and wreck that one as well.  Evolution in action, as seen in a movie filmed in 1936.  It's cheesy but prophetic nevertheless.

Note:  the same thing happened in "A Canticle for Leibowitz" by Walter Miller.  Humans are highly-inventive that way.  Whatever we build, conservatives can wreck it.

Dire consequences?  Suck it, comrade.  People have retreated, cowering, into online hellholes from which they dare not peek outside for fear of what they may see.

"Outer Limits" was a twisted old sci-fi TV series and part of the intro went, 'we control the horizontal, we control the vertical.'

That was a nightmare in the sixties but now Facebook does it and people flock to it.  Control my horizontal, control my vertical, oh, Great Engineers (i.e. the other god-like myth of the early twentieth centuries).

(Ed:  now you refute the existence of God, you commie pinko bastard?)

Nah, something lit the match and we haven't heard a coherent answer yet but no-one talks about that much, they're only interested in the Tinkerbell God which grants magic wishes and tells you winning Lotto numbers.

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