Sunday, January 10, 2016

Yevette Likes the Video

There was something about going to sleep but that didn't precisely work so now "The End of the World in Fort Worth" has been fully rendered / transcoded for full-screen.  I asked Yevette if she might like to check it out so the Council of Two convened to preview it.

Yevette liked it and said definitely don't chuck that one.  That's a big vote and it's most appreciated because she will say it if something about it bugs her.  Thanks hugely, Yevette, for putting up with the whacked-out things I do.

Cat has heard the audio-only track and she liked it as well.  She also is not shy about saying the music sucks if that's what she thinks so it's most appreciated from her too.

Yevette has seen previews of the video so many times she has probably got it memorized but Cat hasn't seen it so it will be a kick because she and you all will be able to see it at the same time when it goes onto YouTube.

Since I don't have a clear decision on uploading it, that means don't do it.  Doing another one will mean another eight-hour marathon but it's good.  This one may even be it and I'll take another look after getting some sleep but doing it again tomorrow night would be just fine with me.

I only thought I was gassed before.  That was a highly-productive session this time.  Most pleasing.

Dropping the high end on the guitar worked almost excellently and one of the reservations about the upload is I may want to do that some more.  The guitar easily has the capacity to surpass the threshold of pain with the highs so the trick is to get it up high and loud but make it a thrilling sound rather than something piercing.  The change did a great job with that but maybe it could use just a touch more.

Grand night.  Feeling most excellent.

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