Sunday, January 10, 2016

Unknown About Recording Tonight

Looking back reveals I haven't done anything except record or set up for it all weekend.  This is the morning after and things are definitely dragging.

There's the Take 6 version of "The Sanctuary Song" from last night and that's waxed-up and ready to upload so that lives even if I melt the entire project in Final Cut through some idiot mistake.

Note:  Final Cut is excellent for working with idiot mistakes because it can back up as many levels as are needed to find the last point at which the project worked.  If you drop a transition between two clips, it may bork the timing and you won't know it until 'x' number of steps later.  I haven't hit a problem yet in which I did not have enough Undo steps to get back to where my project last worked correctly.

My arms only seemed like they were complaining yesterday and none of this is building up an excuse to do it or not, just scoping the situation.  Everything looks a little weird the day after a marathon so it's not clear how this one will play.

The vocal surprised me last night.  I was consciously pushing it more as in get that diaphragm into the game but the result didn't record stronger.  It's easily better than anything I ever sang before and the trick isn't to sound like Frank Sinatra but rather is this the best you can possibly do.

The vocal problem wasn't due to the recording but rather you hear your voice as much 'in your head' as you do through the speakers so separating those is difficult while you're doing it.

The guitar sounded surprisingly strong with some dazzling little moves and got me thinking, whoa, wtf was that.  The play is specifically not shredding but I like doing it ... whatever it is.  The end borked a little bit but I couldn't tell if Yevette noticed.  There was a misstep with the looper and I didn't quite kill the loop correctly.  That probably wouldn't have killed it for upload but the ending was still buggy.

The song runs nine minutes plus two minutes or so for the end of the world intro part which is setup music.  That's a bit self-indulgent but it seems a good compromise between how much I love running leads on top of this and how much you don't love a jam band playing the same song until the sun comes back up.

As to whether I want to have a go at Take 7 tonight:  no doubt.  There needs to be a market run so this one may punk out this evening but the drive is to do it.  We shall see.

Something which would be so jammin' cool is if Yevette could run lights.  It's really easy but that leaves her stuck here in this room while I do it and this room is much, much more smoky than the rest of the house and it's one hell of a lot louder.  The other option is to put the lights controller on the keyboard but it's so rickety to balance it that way.  Changing patches for the lights is easy but it's still a trick while I'm trying to do something else.

(Ed:  do you ever think about anything else?)

Nope.  Well ... sometimes.

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