Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Menace of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has been doing a novel dance around the policies of Bill Clinton and there's a specific menace in this tango.  Many Democrats take assailing Bill Clinton as heresy because he was fairly good at reducing the Federal budget deficit.  However, that ignores altogether the damage he did and, on balance, the damage was much worse.

The first of Bill Clinton's major mistakes was in signing the NAFTA legislation to start outsourcing jobs to Mexico.  That started the landslide of jobs lost overseas and the corresponding consequence today when hundreds of people apply even for a job at Wal-Mart.  The devastation to the workforce is still being felt over twenty years later.

The second major mistake by Bill Clinton was signing for disablement of Glass-Steagall because that was the bank regulation which prevented them from growing across state lines, trading in securities, etc.  Taking down Glass-Steagall is what permitted 'banks too big to fail' and almost nothing has been done about that.

When George Bush came to office, he compounded the mistakes made by Bill Clinton in two major ways.  He reduced taxes on the rich even beyond the two major reductions which took place under Reagan and which have been reducing steadily since WWII.  He correspondingly increased military spending and then started two trillion-dollar wars.

In parallel with the reckless military spending, the banks, mortgage companies, and others were engaged in a pyramidal free-for-all in Wall Street and then it all collapsed in 2008.  After Clinton and Bush, that was inevitable.

Hillary Clinton blows right past Glass-Steagall and makes one excuse after the other for why it was a good thing to do.  That makes little sense in the face of banks which still run wild but she continues that premise regardless.

Clinton has also strongly advocated the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is yet another variety of NAFTA and thus continues the draining of the American workforce in favor of multinational corporations which make their products using overseas workers to sell them to the upper middle class and the rich in the U.S.

The menace of doing even more damage than took place from within Bill Clinton's administration is clearly threatened in Hillary Clinton's continued attempts to absolve him of any wrongdoing.  We don't care about that ridiculous cigar but we care a lot about the hugely destructive effect his policy had on the American workers and the American economy.  Follow that with the irresponsibility and recklessness of George Bush and collapse was inevitable.

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