Friday, January 15, 2016

The GOP Barbecue and Wienie Roast

We didn't watch the GOP poodle show on Fox News last night because those people are way too hateful for our tastes and it's just stupidity which doesn't even accomplish anything and never has.

We're more than pleased to see the GOP candidates eating each other although it's understandable no-one eats Ted Cruz because that much grease would make anything inedible, particularly a good barbecue.

The only interesting thing about the GOP poodle show is why some of them continue to show up.  Narcissism is the obvious answer since it's the only way most of them will ever be on television but you would think showcasing their incompetence in such a manner would override the narcissism ... not with Carly Fiorina however.

There is some side amusement in observing the three-way tie for most disliked woman in America between Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton.  Nancy Pelosi doesn't even make the list anymore.

Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee were governors of Arkansas but Clinton wound up as President and Huckabee wound up on the political equivalent of Bowling for Dollars on Fox News.  Neither Clinton nor Huckabee had much luck using their names to troll young bimbos but Huckabee hit the sexual jackpot with Kim Davis.  She's a four-time divorcee and if only Huckabee had one of Bill Clinton's babe-pleasing cigars.

The only thing even marginally newsworthy to come from their little tête-à-tête with barbecue sauce was some thought of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz linking on the same ticket to run together.  Both of them are seeking the lowest common denominator in American politics, evangelicals, which shows both share the delusion evangelicals can swing an election.  They can just barely swing a square dance and, if Kim Davis is there, who would even go.

(Ed:  Josh Duggar might think he has a chance with her)

After four divorces, even the guy at Ace Hardware has a chance with her.

(Ed:  do you see Kim Davis and Josh Duggar as emblematic of the hypocritical pseudo-morality of evangelicals in particular and the GOP in general?)

If they represent anything else, what, pray tell, is it.

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