Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Obama and the Guns

Despite the frothy hysterics of loons in Oregon, Obama hasn't come for anyone's guns and, after eight years, he only has some months left to collect them.  Maybe we can tell them Operation Jade Helm is coming back just before the election.  That will keep them busy having the frothy time of their lives until he goes.

The changes Obama has changed are significant but don't amount to all that much in terms of freedoms.  There's been a glaring loophole in gun sales due to the absence of a requirement for a background check in private gun sales.  In extending the background check to all gun sales to make it consistent, the only people who will be prevented from buying guns are the ones who couldn't legally buy one anyway.

Frankly, we're so tired of all this rubbish about guns, we could just walk away and spend all our time spitting blueberries at the Moon.

(Ed:  what did that mean?)

Nothing but the hysterics over guns don't mean anything either.

If the sacred right for citizens to bear arms is so important, you may ask why it was not in the Constitution in the first place and didn't even exist until the Bill of Rights was written a few years later.

The professed importance of the Second Amendment pales substantially when the Fourth Amendment is the one which protects against illegal search and seizure by cops.  The militias go on endlessly about how they need the guns to protect against government oppression but there hasn't been one yet which has protested about how the Fourth Amendment has been turned into toilet paper by practically every police department in the country.

As an example of the abuses of the Fourth Amendment, we have civil forfeiture which is the assumed right of a cop to take anything in your possession and make it extremely difficult to get it back even if you're not guilty of anything.

Did you ever hear a militia or even a single gunner protesting that?

Nah, me either.

Obama's move is straight-up and we support it.


Anonymous said...

speaking of the privacy act. Obamas new executive action allows access to previously protected health files
I am favor of closing the gun show loopholes but why is this aspect tied in to it

Unknown said...

Sorry but I was not aware of that aspect. Here's another part: apparently gunners set up 'trusts' which can buy weapons without background checks and the number of them purchased this way grew astronomically since 2000 (really no hyperbole). That loophole was closed as well.

I don't like how legislation, even though this wasn't really legislation, seems to always carry unrelated 'goodies' with it.