Sunday, January 3, 2016

Oathkeepers Offer a Better Dictatorship ... with Them Running It

Unknown who they killed this time but the Oathkeepers came back into conversation because of some propaganda posted on YouTube.  Yah, the same way ISIS does it.

The Oathkeepers have said specifically their purpose is to prevent a dictatorship in America but the group has a great many cops and ex-military members, none of whom will tip the scale far for brain weight and none of whom has any interest in the founding principles of the country.  They're a far-right goon squad who would be just pleased as punch to have Ted Cruz for their Prom Queen.

When there was so much trouble in Ferguson, the Oathkeepers were some of the white power goons who sent their vigilante crew to restore order and get as much publicity as possible on the back of the kid who was murdered.  As you may recall, they only made the problem worse and ultimately the cop, Darren Wilson, who killed Michael Brown got away with it despite perjured testimony and multiple faults in the investigation.

If a white power establishment is what you want for America then, fine, support the Oathkeepers but make no mistake vigilantes are some of the most dangerous people in the country and they operate on precisely the Hitlerian principle of protecting you from boogeymen when actually they're more dangerous than any boogeyman could ever be.

There's another group of these whackjobs who have taken over a national park office in Oregon to protest two men who will go to jail on Monday for arson.  The Bundy family is back in the news again and, not surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the Nobel Prize Committee for Science.  The Bundy boys and about one hundred and fifty gunmen have occupied the national park and they have created an armed standoff just as they did the last time.

Like the Oathkeepers, the Bundy boys consider themselves patriots but the only thought about these criminals is to send the Army to wipe them out to prevent the problem from getting any worse.

In fact, send the FBI to deal with them but, before they go, tell them this:  think Waco.

These are unfortunate representatives of the large group in America which believes guns override democracy, just as another group believes religion overrides it as well.  In the case of the groups in this discussion, they have both diseases and the behavior of an armed theocracy is evident in multiple places, most particularly in Saudi Arabia where they executed forty-seven people yesterday, one of whom was a religious figure for an opposing sect of Islam (i.e. the cleric was Shia and the House of Saud is Sunni).

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