Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Ol' Dad the Fudgemaker

Yevette was using a candy thermometer because the other day she decided she had to make cough drops.  She doesn't have a cough, she was just curious to discover if she could make them and she has some pure ingredients like cherries she prepared herself so she decided to have a go.

That candy thermometer reminded me of a fudge making craze which my ol' Dad started.  By then I was a cynical teenager and didn't have much contact with the fudge making but all the other sibs were younger and many were pressed into service.

(Ed:  now you are a cynical adult)

Yes, and the experience of age has given me more reasons.

As nearly as I could tell, there was some huge process involved in making the fudge and my ol' Dad needed a team game because a whole lot of stirring was involved.  He would get the team cycling past the fudge pot to take a turn at stirring and then followed by whatever other arcane process was needed to create the lovely result.

And it was a lovely result ... the fudge makers made some excellent fudge product and not a bit of that went to waste.  How much of it my ol' Dad actually ever got to eat himself is a good question as he would not have stood much of a chance with competition from six kids.

The marvel for me was the process because it looked like something out of a Keebler elf factory.  Unknown if any of the sibs kept up the fudge making tradition but it was a riot while it was happening.

He's got a tyrannical reputation, some of it deservedly, but it wasn't always about Smaug the Dragon. This was back in the traditional times when quality time with yer father was defined as the time when he wasn't absolutely fucking terrifying.  It was also real quality too because making fudge with yer ol' Dad has got to beat watching television with him.

(Ed:  so you missed that?)

Yah, see above about cynicism.  And I still don't know how to make fudge (sob).


Anonymous said...

The making fudge usually coinsided with watching TV
Mom was usually in charge of the fudge Queen Bee was the temperature monitor if it was wrong it was toffee not fudge
Alex was responsible for adding raisans nut etc
And I actually made fudge with the fairy the other night walnuts cranberries and raisans

Unknown said...

The tradition lives! I wasn't so close to it but there seemed to be a grand process.

Anonymous said...

Alex has very few of these. He was so busy being Alex.
The Snap card games playing across the room was another one
I always thought he wanted to be a good Dad he just didnt know how
I am finding out it is an inctedibly hard job to do right
Once you teach them to think it is over

Unknown said...

There's no way I can really appreciate the difficulty of it since I would have choked the first time some guy wants to take my baby girl out on a date. I would have to shoot him and then they would put me in jail. Game over.

I do have some experience with hard hits and they sure come slashing but goodness kind of meanders its way back into things. Conversation the last few days has been showing it and that's a huge smile.