Saturday, January 16, 2016

CD Baby Makes It Right

When "Ride the Dragon" was signed up for release at CD Baby, there was to be a 20% discount applied to it.  When I saw it was on a sale price, what else should I do.  It's a sale.

The discount didn't process so I sent off a note, oy, oy, please review.  They did that and have now credited the discount back to me.

The connection with CD Baby goes back at least to 2000 and they've always been all pro.

Yesterday was more review of the contents of the disc.  A friend liked "Down for the Count" from a while back and I checked it again but that one is flat-out brutal.  I used heavy distortion for the bass and that became one seriously nasty instrument.  I like the tune but it would need remixing to really be satisfied with it and I don't think it really belongs on this CD.  I want variety but I don't want it to be an Ed Sullivan show of everything from The Beatles to Topo Gigio the cute li'l puppet.

Now I know you weren't expecting that.  Yes, this was the same show which sometimes featured The Beatles.

The puppet is cute but he can't come to the "Ride the Dragon" CD.  There's another song with kind of a dumb name, "Guitar Mayhem," but I was playing with that just now and it's got a huge benefit because Thunder Lexington was playing drums and they are thunderous.  The song has a piano intro because I wanted that monster contrast when the other instruments come into it.  Doing that is a bit cheesy but I can live with it.  Set the soft tone ... and then smash it all to hell (larfs).

There's no plan to dredge the past but I've been highly lackadaisical about releasing songs with it usually being enough to load them up to the podcast and that's it.  The question isn't so much which ones but rather what's the vibe to fill on the CD.

(Ed:  will this get all analytical again?)

Good chance.  In some ways it's good to be broke because it makes it obvious to put a lot of thought into whatever gets released.

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