Friday, October 23, 2015

Paul Ryan Running for Speaker is News ... But CNN Does Little With It

We don't support Paul Ryan for anything and don't even particularly like him here at the Rockhouse.  Nevertheless, pushing him up to the Speaker of the House is a major tactical decision by the GOP as to who will try to rein in the self-destructive rampage of the Tea Party.

The Tea Party poisoning of Congress and just about everything else has been one of the foremost problems facing the country due to the raging divisiveness it has engendered and the way they have reduced Congress to a caricature of itself.

That the Benghazi Bimbo Boobazoids have such a prominent position on the news despite the utter lack of newsworthiness which demonstrates, again, the cynical treachery of CNN regarding anything which may resemble news and which puts Ted Turner's name right alongside Rupert Murdoch for the most corrupt purveyors of news on the planet.

My comments are not anti-American when these news services could not possibly be any more anti-American than by pretending to be supportive of the system while under the table accepting bribes to distort the news.

You can see it for yourself on the front page of CNN today.  Huge pic of Clinton and a count of something or other which supposedly came from the committee and none of which will ever amount to anything.  A sub headline on the same page refers to the battle in the House for the position of Speaker, something which will have a major effect on the character of Congress for years.

We have confidence in the American people to recognize Clinton for the gulling carpetbagger she really is and, therefore, will never have any effect on Congress.

As to Paul Ryan ... well ... there was never any particular hope for him anyway as he lacks the imagination to make anything of himself.

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