Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ways to Hype Your Jams on SoundCloud

There's an outfit called FILMMAKERSEO which presumably is their clever idea of a word for Film Maker SEO (i.e. Search Engine Optimization) but the site doesn't seem to have anything to do with films or making them.

What it will do is generate 'x' number of plays of your songs on SoundCloud to make it look like you are one ultra-hot artist.  Try it if you like and get a thousand plays for $17.  Other options exist for even more plays if you like.

(Ed:  quick question, Cap'n.  If you have enough money to spend to make it look like you're hot then why do need to sell the CD in the first place?)

Well, sailor.  I don't rightly know.  It does seem a bit unusual, doesn't it.

While we don't care if people do this as you have to do whatever you need to get your music out there but we don't like it for Silas.  We don't mind buying fake Twitter followers as no-one's real online anyway but those hits are an attempt to generate a statement about my artistry and I've already decided I won't do it.

So, if you like it, now you know how to find it.  We don't recommend it but we recommended against Reagan and that sure worked out well.

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