Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Chelsea Manning - Courage in Transgender - Update

Against the strongest possible opposition she could face, Chelsea Manning fought for a sex-change operation and got it.  She's the one who was jailed for life for revealing the war crimes in Afghanistan and prompted the right-wing vendetta against herself and Wiki-Leaks.  There's nothing the GOP hates more than truth and nothing from which they have more to fear.

Now they bust Chelsea Manning for having a copy of "Vanity Fair" magazine.  (The Guardian:  Chelsea Manning may face solitary confinement for having Jenner Vanity Fair issue)

People go on and on about Caitlyn Jenner's courage but what bravery did she show in support of Chelsea Manning.


We admire Chelsea Manning whereas Jenner is JAK (Just Another Kardashian).

The malicious and sadistic depravity of punishing someone for reading in a jail cell defies description as what the hell else, apart from the biologically-obvious, can one do in a jail cell.  What more harmless thing could she possibly be doing and yet they want to put her in solitary confinement for it.

You're seriously telling me this is America?  If yes, then what the fuck happened to the real one.


While in the Army, I was posted to a stockade and I've seen how those bastards treat the prisoners.  They torment them mercilessly and I was given an M-14 to shoot anyone who tries to climb over the fence.  If that had happened, I would have fired a few rounds to make it look like I tried but only if I could be sure I would not hit anything.  They trained me well enough and I was an adequate shot but, damn, it just didn't work out, sir.  You see I tried.  Assholes.

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