Saturday, August 15, 2015

Two Choices: Fix It or Burn It to the Ground (video)

You know as well as I that America is killing people all over the world and every one of us owns that fact.  It has to be stopped peacefully as the only other alternative is to burn it to the ground.

Those who perpetrate this evil should do well to heed the fact they have gone way too far and must either join civilization or leave it.

(Ed:  what happened to pacifism?)

Fuck pacifism.  People are dying all over the world and for bullshit reasons.  Because I am here I am complicit and I will not have it.  The Resistance doesn't have to kill anyone as all that's needed is to be fairly counted but that only happens if the Resistance stands up and is willing to be identified.

My pacifism came when I read "Mila 18" when was ten or twelve.  It's the story of the Warsaw Uprising and from that I know, no-one will come.  The Russians were on one side and the Americans were on the other but no-one came and they were slaughtered.  That's why I oppose war, anywhere, any time.

There is no compromise to my pacifism as I won't shoot anyone, they will shoot me.  I'm easy to find and my position is clear.  My purpose isn't to organize anything but rather to encourage people to stand up.  If you really want the killing to stop, you've got to do it.  You will take a LOT of shit for it.

I've been everything from a peace pussy to an MLK sit-in nigger lover to a fucking lunatic today and it's alright.  It comes to me a lot whether I wasted my life and the answer is clear to me now I did not. My life would only have been wasted if I could not play as I do now.  I don't know why people don't get off on it as once they did as I think it's better in many ways, some not so much, but that's ok.  Lately I also question a lot if it is time to stop but I know now I cannot.  I deliberately tried and the bass is still in a case, the cameras are stowed, etc.  I was rippin' it today and as well yesterday.  The bass has to come back out again as we need him being cool on the bottom.

I don't know why the Galaxy Guitar is a girl but the bass is a male.  If you play a bass, you will probably know what I mean that it's like making love with big girls.  That ain't no man in your arms.  But I digress.

In time of draft the claim of conscientious objection fails because the Army will try to break you.  They test you to determine for themselves if your objection to killing is truly moral or you are simply chickenshit.  They will ask you what you know of the writing of Lao-Tze as they are well-versed in all the material and their mindfuck crew is intelligent enough to distort it in any way they like.  The objective is not to affirm your spirituality but rather to break it.

The entire process is abhorrent as who are they to be a moral arbiters for the decisions of anyone else.  That alone is an outrage.  It's compounded by the idea it's chickenshit that you will not kill which is patently false as there's nothing more chickenshit than killing someone.  Their specific purpose is to break that Commandment out of you.

Yes, it is that malicious.  I've seen it.

But bring back that draft.  These so-called wars will stop because the people won't put up with them anymore, not when their own kids will go.  There should be universal mandatory service with an opt-out for non-violent applications.  In time I believe there would be nothing but non-violent applications but the draft should remain in any case as then it does exactly what it can do best:  people commit a couple of years of positive and productive service to the country they say they love.

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