Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Today's Lesson in Republican Logic

At the same time, the military costs are 57% of a country's expenses when at the same time it can't even support the infrastructure.  If the military budget were some external threat coming to take that money, America would kill it and justifiably.  Every bit of that money goes to the rich as the military benefits no-one.

In case you're not entirely clear on GOP-manufactured wars, the ISIS hysteria is covered with this one.

When Saudi Arabia has the fourth-largest military budget in the world, why is it every single GOP candidate for President is insisting on the importance of sending American troops to the Middle East to fight ISIS.

They're also trying to foment a war with Iran but if we are to list every type of GOP irresponsibility, we will be here all day.

There is only one candidate standing up for all Americans rather than just rich ones:  Feel the Bern!

I'm a persona non grata in any discussion with conservatives anywhere online.  Naturally they ban me as every word of this is true and they have no counter for any of it.  They're thieves, they're racists, and they're no damn good.

Example:  regarding Ferguson, I've seen them suggesting running over protestors on the highway.  That isn't racist, tho.  That's defending civil rights.

There's a stack of examples like that.  You believed Reagan and he stole $2.9 trillion from you.  The only question is why you would believe any Republican on anything after doing this thing.

The GOP has no counter for that statement as he really did it and the state of the country and millions of people in it is a direct consequence of his gouging.

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