Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Believe in Bernie Sanders

Itemizing the reasons just makes one more list but one reason for believing anything on the list is he didn't hire some Madison Avenue whizkid to make him an agenda, he has held his own positions against substantial opposition for thirty years.  That fact shows me he has integrity, he has backbone, and he can't be bought.

It's fascinating to see Sanders drawing huge crowds even in the cracker states (e.g. Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia) while getting almost no coverage in the manufactured news channels (e.g. CNN and Fox).  That fact alone demonstrates the massive graft involved in American politics as they don't just bribe the candidates, they bribe the manufactured news channels about what to say about them.

Example:  CNN ran an article today studying Donald Trump's combover technique for his hair.

There was also a surprising reference to Sanders by them but that's going to be difficult to avoid now as he's beating Clinton in polls.  That doesn't surprise me as I didn't think her support was real anyway.  There was a whole lot of manufactured hype before she entered the game just as if Hollywood tries to inflict another Taylor Swift on the world.  Too bad Clinton has no demonstrable talents.

(Ed:  neither does Taylor Swift)

Righty, right, matey.

Sometimes I have mistakenly referred to my brother as a Republican so let me be clear now that I have no idea who he wants to run the government.  Maybe he thinks the Tooth Fairy should do it and that's fine for him.  My case is specific on the GOP and what it did to America and is no way some oblique slam of him.  My case also is Bernie Sanders is the solution for what they did.

The more important case is who will do anything about it and Bernie Sanders states the case better than anyone I've heard in many years.  Obama had a fairly convincing pitch on his qualifications but, frankly, he didn't stand up hard enough to GOP pressure and he got himself in the middle of a shitstorm in the Middle East because of it.  The same thing happened in that absurd conflict within Ukraine in which he ended backing a government which is chock full of NAZIs.

Obama promised the Affordable Care Act and he delivered it despite the most hellaciously expensive assaults against it (i.e. over fifty different attempts to disable it by the GOP) but the Act never particularly interested me as it's not even close to radical enough to really take care of the people.  I have nothing but VA and McCain talks this minute of privatizing it.

Sanders position is clear:  universal health care for everyone

The GOP immediately screams it's unaffordable but these are the same people who tell us 57% of the budget for the military is affordable.  Their ability to judge affordability is highly-suspect.  In my view, if you cannot keep your people healthy, it doesn't matter what else you can afford and this is the view Bernie Sanders brings.

Oh yes, I believe in Bernie Sanders.  Whatever he does to health care won't affect me now, I'm past that, but I believe he can fix this country and prevent a whole lot of other people from going through the same thing.

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