Saturday, August 15, 2015

Phantom of the Opera, GOP, and Hard Rock Argentina

People collect various things and, here at the Rockhouse, we have a penchant for the most kick-ass version of "Phantom of the Opera" ever recorded.  We have no doubt of the singer, Tarja Turunen, and she sings it with a variety of bands.  The first was Nightwish and we have presented that one previously but this is from her own solo live concert in Argentina, backed by her band and singing with Diego Valdez who does a masterful job of it.  ("Act 1" is her first live solo recording and it's available on all those digital shelves)

As to who is the best, what difference does it make.  Every version I have heard of it from her has been magnificent.  Here is another.

The story of the Phantom should be familiar when we have been living with one.  Erik is the Grand Old Party and he has been sailing America, from the front or the back of the boat, since its earliest days.  Erik loved her but then she grew prosperous and America the Beautiful became America the Absolutely Fucking Gorgeous and Erik had to have her.

When Erik tries to show her he is the one for her, he has to reveal who he really is and what he does.  Immediately America tries to escape but Erik has too many guns.  America agrees to perform again and she realizes the Phantom will stop her from making any change which might permit escape but he loves to hear her sing as if there is a real government and the cash registers keep ringing.  She agrees because it's her hope Raoul can save her.

Raoul (i.e. OWS) really does love America and he tries to help her escape after her performance.  Erik knows of it but he can't stop it.  Before she leaves with Raoul and in a brief time alone, Erik again reveals himself and gives America a kiss on the forehead.  She returns the kiss and he becomes emotional, telling her he has never been kissed before.  He asks her to tell the papers when he has died.

America honored her word as she will when it is not compromised by the Phantom but the paper only said GOP IS DEAD.

(Ed:  stretching)

Oh, really.  Who talks about rights and who talks about ownership.

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