Wednesday, August 12, 2015

EPA and the Poisoned River in Colorado

The GOP wants to see the EPA eliminated because of this colossal blunder and the scope of what their mistake cost is extreme.  It's very unlikely all those chemicals only dyed the water and it's surprising there doesn't seem as yet to have been a huge fish kill from it.  Regardless of the detailed extent of it, the mistake was enormous.

So, that's the GOP reaction:  ignore any good thing the EPA ever did and eliminate it on the basis of the accident in this river.

By the way, if you like breathing cleaner air in the cities, well, the EPA did that.  Who needs it, right?

Quite a few years ago, a B-52 accidentally dropped maybe half a dozen live nuclear weapons into the ocean off the coast of Spain.  To this day, I'm not sure if they ever recovered all of them.

There was no outcry from the GOP about banning these antique B-52 aircraft or banning nuclear weapons altogether when they have such a poor ability to protect them.  There was nothing.

In comparison, we see the GOP hysteria over the EPA is the same old manufactured crap.  It's got nothing to do with indignation over incompetent process, their only concern is what makes them money and typically it's what costs you money.

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