Thursday, August 13, 2015

Beware the Texas Sand Worms

Well, I tell you ... this last week or so hit hard.  Nothing was working and I couldn't move too much but then I noticed there were sand worms in my legs.

(Ed:  was LSD involved in this experience?)

Not recently.

(Ed:  you can't tell me you weren't stoned)

Sure I can.  I wasn't.  Ran out some while back.

So I'm watching these sand worms and maybe they're 10cm x 5xm and they moved.  The skin was raised up for each of them as they moved around doing whatever sand worms do.  As I watched, I thought, fark, this is really going to suck if one of them has to pop up and blow.

Note:  sand worms are huge creatures on Arrakis and you can learn the rest about them by reading a thousand pages of "Dune."  (It's worth it)

Something which really sucks bad is leg cramps but that wasn't happening.  There were just these sand worms moving around.

So I kept watching them, thinking, man, death by safe dropped on my head by Wiley Coyote, death by angry koala bears ... nooo .... this is death by sand worms.

After a while, I decided they don't seem to want to go anywhere but my legs and they don't seem to eat much ... and I fell back to sleep.

From this I discovered the sand worms come from a type of mosquito which only lives only in this area of Texas and, naturally, it's called the Spice Mosquito because it carries the virus which creates the sand worms.

Infection is common and, if you think of cowboys, you may have an image of a bow-legged fellow in jeans and boots.  The assumption is his legs are bowed from riding horses but, think about it, how many people do you know who ride horses who have bowed legs.  Noooo, it's caused by sand worms.

Your best protection is to stay out of Texas but that's good advice in any case.  However, if you do have occasion to visit Fort Worth, beware of the mosquitos.

Note:  part of this really is true.  As to which part, how should I know.

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