Friday, August 1, 2014

Oh Hell, the NSA is Coming

Many times when I put something on the blog, Yevette will see it and go, holy shit, the NSA will come for sure.  The helicopters will come and cops will break down the doors.

It'd be grand!  Fuckin' Rambo shit with machine guns and SWAT guys in battle armor!  Right at the front we'd have Robert Downey in some Terminator machine with fuckin' lasers.  It'd be so rippin' cool.  If you have to get arrested then let's go all out NDAA with NSA, National Guard and, fark, let's have some paratroopers with flares.

What did I do, Officer?
Conspiracy to commit hedgehog invasion

But it would be a bit anticlimactic as the lights are on here most of the night anyway.  There's no reason to get dramatic with spotlights as the place is already lit and there are just two old fuckers sitting here.  But, yeah, nice helicopters you got there, guys.  Really.

Tip:  don't screw with the guy playing World of Tanks as he can fuck your shit up.  Well, with a virtual tank.

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